you seriously don't know what a greenhouse is?

Sep 27, 2013 14:42

Things have been kind of weird this month with Captain Marvel getting stuck in another crossover, Hawkeye going AWOL, and EVERYTHING getting canceled for Villains Month. But I have read some things, and also the library has been helping.

Fearless Defenders #9: The super boyfriends intervention was mildly entertaining, but the Defenders team is getting SO BIG now and a lot of the people are from parts of the Marvel Universe I don't really know and I am starting to get a bit bored.

Poison Ivy #1: This was okay. I like Poison Ivy, and the flashbacks to her childhood were kind of neat. I'm not reading Forever Evil but it was still easy to follow.

Li'l Gotham #19: Also about Poison Ivy, and SO GREAT. The art is so beautiful, and it's so perfect that they have a roller derby team, and Harley is fantastic, esp. when she is yelling at the Joker.

FF #12: SOOO CUTE. I love Darla's pink pajamas and that she comes to hug Scott. The "hero/villains color scheme" lesson was hilariously meta, and watching all the kids play together was so cute. Also the shojo anime Marvel heroes cartoons were ridic adorable. Also I just really like Darla, okay? :P (I also got #22 of the old FF because the store gives away comics from their 50-cent box on Wednesdays, and that was cute, too.)

They weren't new but I also impulse-bought Worlds' Finest #14 and #15. Karen and Helena hanging out at the beginning was cute, esp. the part where Helena drops her ice cream and Karen grabs it out of the air, and the art for #15 was really pretty, but otherwise these were REALLY boring.

Things I got from the library, an incomplete list:

Worlds' Finest, vol. 1: This was okay? I like Helena a lot and I like the parts where she and Karen are hanging out or doing research--Helena wearing a Batman shirt for pajamas, and Karen hovering while studying in the library, or the part where they beat up a bunch of jerks and at the end Helena is wearing one of their fedoras and still eating her ice cream. (Does Helena just really like ice cream?) The art kept changing, though, and sometimes it felt like the writers were really self-consciously trying to write for women and tried to accomplish this, with only moderate success, by mashing up chick flicks and superhero comics. (Not as hilarious as it sounds.)

Batman: The Night of the Owls: I take back what I said before, you can totally read City of Owls without this. It was kind of interesting how a lot of the talons were dark mirrors of the Batfamily in some ways, and it was fun to see everyone (except Tim, who showed up like twice and never spoke), but I got really bored of hearing Alfred's "everyone help" speech EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I was not that into this. Also I was mildly disturbed that at no point does Bruce go "oh crap the owls are coming to kill us, my ten-year-old is out there," and in fact when Damian talks to Alfred he says he wants to come home and help his father defend the house but Alfred says no he should go save this general dude. Whaaaaat. The main thing I got out of all of this is that if we are going to live in the New52, then I really really want to see the Batfamily hanging out after Bruce's inevitable group debriefing. I think they should all retire to the living room to lick their wounds and Babs should pwn Damian at video games because computers are her superpower. ("Are you cheating? You must be cheating." "Oh no, Damian, didn't anyone ever tell you it was *impossible* to cheat at video games?" :P)

Batman: No Man's Land vol. 1: I was kind of bored by all the parts where Commissioner Gordon stomps around being Mad At Batman, but this made me like Renee Montoya and Helena Bertinelli (she is such a good bat-person, why don't you let her keep the suit, Bruce?) and Azrael. I have vol. 2 but I haven't started it yet.

Teen Titans vol.7 and vol. 8: I kind of hate Teen Titans but Rose Wilson and M'gann M'orzz are in it so occasionally I will read it anyway. I suspect these would have made more sense if I had read the one where they met their future selves the first time, but oh well. Vol. 7 was pretty terrible overall but vol. 8 ambushed me with surprise Cassie/Tim feels. Like, in a I just want them to be sad best friends with makeouts way. But I flipped through vol. 9 and apparently they are somewhat annoying and terrible in that, so....

Wonder Woman: Odyssey: irnan said this was good and YES IT WAS. It's such a nice way to take a different look at Diana, and I like it better than her "proper" reboot. Also the thing about always being Amazons and family and always being Wonder Woman, ahh so lovely.

teen titans, comics, worlds' finest, ff, wonder woman, batman, fearless defenders

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