
Apr 27, 2012 19:16

How are you guys?

I'm good. I got a new cast on my right arm which I can slide off, not that I'm supposed to be able to, but I can. I can take it off to take a real shower though, which is fantastic.

I have financial aid and classes for the fall all taken care of. I should be able to drive again in two weeks, which will dramatically improve my life. I'm still somehow losing weight despite sitting on my ass for 4 weeks.

The only thing plaguing me right now is I have no idea how I'm going to get next month's rent. I'm broke as fuck and can't exactly get a job with two broken wrists. In fact, I had planned on turning in 3 applications I'd filled out after the weekend, but then I fell on Saturday and fucked that whole plan. Soooo now I'm clueless as to how to pay my rent for the next four months before I get my next financial aid check.

But other than that I'm healing and happy. So yeah, tell me about you.

broke ass bitch

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