Wow was that a terrible dream. No more Stephen King before bed ever again.

Apr 24, 2012 05:58

It was one little paragraph in The Stand that triggered that dream. I've never been afraid of Freddie Krueger my whole life, in fact, I've never seen a single Elms Street movie. Yet somehow reading about Larry Underwood going to see it in the theater in The Stand just made me dream about it.

I dreamed that Amanda and I were staying the night at my dad's house and instead of my dad living in a trailer he lived in an older house. Just an average house in a suburban neighborhood.And Amanda wanted candy, so she walked up to the corner store, and while she was gone weird things started happening. I can't remember exactly, but I know another little group of people we know came over, and so we were playing games in the garage waiting for Amanda to get back. Amanda got back and some time passed and my dad got up to go in the house for something, but he accidentally knocked some things over, spilling Coke everywhere, namely on a jacket that was on the dirty garage floor. He went inside and Amanda and I saw a strange guy in the garage who put the jacket on. We asked him what he wanted and he said he wanted to thank me for the new jacket, and Amanda said it was her grandpa's jacket. And I asked, for some strange reason, if he was going to kill me and he said "No, I'm going to kill one of the men." And at that time my dad was the only man in the house so I flipped. I did one of those "wake up" inside a dream things, to realize it was a dream, and tried to wake Amanda up but she wouldn't get up. Eventually I just got up because I was scared and legitimately terrified that this guy was going to kill my dad.

As dreams happen, some time skipped and it was just Amanda and I in the creepy basement of this house and she was rolling around in this old computer chair and I told her to knock it off, but she was being a little belligerent. She told me "Freddie Krueger is not going to kill your dad." a little bit teasingly and I told her that I didn't believe in Freddie Krueger but I did believe in psychos copying their favorite killers. I had told her to stop rolling around again but she had just rolled by one of the doorways down the hall and froze stiff. She rolled back over to me, eyes all wide and scared and said "You need to go look in that room" and that scared me so bad I ACTUALLY woke up. And could not shake it.

I laid here genuinely scared, and had to turn on my laptop and my lamp. Because the only thing I think I remember Freddie being afraid of is light. So I'm scared to turn the lamp off now. I'm even terrified to stop typing on the box here because it's distracting me, even though I'm still talking about it. I feel at least a little connected. Because right now everyone is asleep and there isn't even anyone I can call to make me feel better. I've never wanted to call my dad more, but I'm sure he wouldn't appreciate that at 6am. Gah. *shakes*

I need a distraction to stay awake and not think about it. I feel like Sam seeing the Devil when he tries to sleep. Ugh. Why is this happening? I NEVER have nightmares like that. I haven't woken up from fear in years. I usually wake up crying or laughing, but never this scared. I want my daddy =(

no seriously im not okay, dreams

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