Why are vibrators so expensive?

May 01, 2012 08:44

Can't I get a working college kid/single woman's pity discount or something? Jeez. Fine. I'll suck it up and buy the Hitachi knock off instead. *pouts*

In other news, I think they might be taking my financial aid away. Permanently. Something about a new law being passed that only allows you to have the equivalent of 6 years of financial aid and then you're cut off. Well, I've been going for 5 and a half, so. I guess they don't give a fuck if you're only half way to your degree. Obama, you better not be behind this. I don't want to have to kick you in the nuts for ruining my life.

Shouldn't they have a grandfather clause or something for those of us that didn't have the benefit of knowing this was going to happen, and thus would not have fucked around at a community college for 4 years?

Look at me, wanting all these exceptions, making all these excuses for being a broke ass. I'm the prime example all these Republican anti-federal-aid for education dicks rant on about. Obviously. Since according to them getting an education is the same thing as being on welfare. Excuse me for not being born with a silver spoon in my mouth. Maybe my soul should have picked a different egg and sperm to inhabit. It's obviously my fault. Rawr.

Where did that rant come from? At 8:30 in the morning no less? xD

Whatever. I'm going back to bed.
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