Posted at the request of darth_eldritch.

Oct 20, 2012 16:22

Because I thought this was pretty awesome.

Also, on another note, managed to get around to watching "Front Runners" in Clone Wars.

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far a -- spoilers! )

vid recommendations, warning: may piss people off, vid recs, aw look she thinks she's clever

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darth_eldritch October 20 2012, 20:29:20 UTC
Sounds like they should have thought "General Vaklu" to get that role right.


Anakin is displeased. ladyhadhafang October 20 2012, 20:39:31 UTC
Seriously! How do you get that wrong?

I really wish they had gone with someone like Vaklu for the episode. Especially considering that Vaklu wasn't out for petty power or things like that; he (and Tobin) honestly thought that he was doing what was best for his homeplanet (which, of're dealing with the Sith. What do you think is going to happen?). Honestly, I think if the king had allied himself with Dooku because he thought that Onderon had lost its past after it had blended into the Republic, because he wanted Onderon to take back what was theirs...not only would it be a nice callback to KOTOR II, it would be a hell of a lot more powerful. But nope -- we got Snidely Fucking Whiplash. Brilliant. /sarcasm.


Re: Anakin is displeased. darth_eldritch October 20 2012, 20:52:35 UTC
Snidely Fucking Whiplash


Evil for ebul's sake is too easy. There is a way to do it, but so few get it right.


Re: Anakin is displeased. ladyhadhafang October 20 2012, 20:59:48 UTC
Well, glad you found it amusing at any rate. :)


But really, I agree. I mean, while EFES (Evil For Evil's Sake) villains can be done right, they're so often made one-dimensional. And maybe some people off-LJ are okay with one-dimensional villains (and I guess they may have their reasons), but I'm not. It's just not interesting and it's not good storytelling. In fact, I believe there's a quote somewhere from Dean Koontz that says a lot about how I feel about villains: "The best villains are those that evoke pity and sometimes even genuine sympathy as well as terror. Think of the pathetic aspect of the Frankenstein monster. Think of the poor werewolf, hating what he becomes in the light of the full moon, but incapable of resisting the lycanthropic tides in his own cells."

Okay, I first found it quoted in PLOT AND STRUCTURE by James Scott Bell (definitely give it a read, by the way! :D It's definitely helped me in my own writing), but yeah. You get the idea. :)


Re: Anakin is displeased. darth_eldritch October 20 2012, 21:08:35 UTC
Any kind of villain can be done well. But not all villains are going to be cut out of the same cloth. They shouldn't all be of the same mold. It just happens so that the villain that has some motivation, some points of sympathy tend to have a greater variety, greater range of emotion. I agree with what Dean Koontz says.

And villains that seem absolutely evil, like Palpatine, or a ruthless killing machine, the Terminator, one is impelled to look further, dig deeper, to see what created such evil and why. And Karpyshin, for all his recent failures, did a good job with Darth Bane. Here's a guy who is heartlessly, implacably evil, but he has his justifications, and his background that shaped who he is.


Re: Anakin is displeased. ladyhadhafang October 20 2012, 21:24:08 UTC
I agree. And glad you liked the Koontz quote! :D

And definitely agreed regarding Bane. :)


Re: Anakin is displeased. darth_eldritch October 20 2012, 21:56:18 UTC
The thing about Bane is this: yeah, he's was once a mere cortosis miner, has no charisma, and sounds like an idealist of the evil shade like a kid who embraces satanism, but when he's bearing down on you with a saber, or has some other more subtle plan, he's scary as fuck. You don't beg for mercy from him. Ever.


Re: Anakin is displeased. ladyhadhafang October 20 2012, 21:58:09 UTC
Very well-said! Seriously.


Re: Anakin is displeased. darth_eldritch October 20 2012, 22:00:06 UTC

Exploring a villain, if done well- this is important- doesn't necessarily make them less scarier. In fact, in ways, it can make them more frightening.

You can also explore a villain, and still keep them mysterious, if that is an important factor.


Re: Anakin is displeased. ladyhadhafang October 20 2012, 22:07:24 UTC
You're welcome.

And yes, God, yes! So agreed! :D Honestly, I don't get why some think that exploring a villain makes them less intimidating. Hell, sometimes it can make them even more intimidating, or even frightening, because they're more real. I mean, look at Noatak and Tarrlok in THE LEGEND OF KORRA. Look at Khan. Look at Clu from TRON LEGACY, and Darth Vader, and the eponymous character from THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA. Honestly, I'd rather have a well-explored, supposedly "wimpy" villain than a villain with no backstory or redeeming qualities or even reasons for his actions. The former is better storytelling, and honestly? It's what most people are searching for nowadays.


Re: Anakin is displeased. darth_eldritch October 20 2012, 22:15:38 UTC

I'm not so familiar with the others, but I think those who saw the Prequels first in their Star Wars experience have the advantage of seeing Anakin as Lucas wants us to see him, with no pre-conception from the OT. Lucas knew what he was doing in making Anakin into someone who can be very sympathetic, yet, at the same time, a sulky, bratty teenager in the tradition of James Dean.


Warning: Rambling ladyhadhafang October 20 2012, 22:32:10 UTC
Well, thanks! :D ( ... )


Re: Warning: Rambling darth_eldritch October 20 2012, 22:54:27 UTC
The James Dean thing was Lucas' order and why he chose Heyden. He thought Hayden captures the James Dean image very well. And it worked.

Interesting about the Doctor and the MAster. But, yeah, in these days we want more substance, not just twist relationships or identities. I think the Revan revelation was the best and the final word on that.

Lucas made the Prequels to show what kind of person Anakin was, good and bad. So, to paraphrase an old saying, we have to take the good with the bad when it comes to Anakin. We have to understand that there is something worth saving in Anakin to begin with to redeem Vader. It reminds me of an old Catholic concept of grace, that no matter how evil someone is and how much humanity they lose, there is that part that God puts into every human that is good no matter how much they forget. It's not an easy concept to understand at times, but being a Jedi is not an easy thing- which is where I think Luke really did do a lot of good. I will, also, mention that how important this was to an old friend of ( ... )


Re: Warning: Rambling ladyhadhafang October 20 2012, 23:32:13 UTC
But that's -- that's fucking awesome! :D And it really does say volumes as to how Lucas wanted Anakin portrayed: as a well-meaning if flawed young man who fell to the Dark Side if only because of the desire to save his wife (and *not* power for power's sake). I remember reading somewhere that Lucas made Anakin nine in TPM to make his separation from his mother all the more powerful. Which I say worked a little too well, really. Never let it be said that Lucas can't write some damn powerful scenes ( ... )


Re: Warning: Rambling darth_eldritch October 21 2012, 00:29:34 UTC
Lucas dictated how Anakin should look and why. He wanted Anakin to remain the romantic sort that young women would love- not to manipulate or trick young female audiences because Lucas is not cynical and the Star Wars universe is not that dark. That is what he wanted to portray in Anakin ( ... )


Warning: TL;DR (1/2) ladyhadhafang October 21 2012, 01:19:58 UTC
I can definitely imagine that ( ... )


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