Posted at the request of darth_eldritch.

Oct 20, 2012 16:22

Because I thought this was pretty awesome.

Also, on another note, managed to get around to watching "Front Runners" in Clone Wars.

Good Things:

-I liked the little character beats between the Rebellion. Steela going after her brother after he storms out during the party, Anakin advising Ahsoka, etc. etc. One thing the episode was good at were the character beats between the heroes.

-The action scenes were amazing. The rebels managing to hijack the tank was damn cool. :3

-The battle droids were very amusing, per usual.

-Honestly, I just want to see how the Rebellion handles things. I know the scene with the people of Onderon cheering for the Rebels was really sweet. <3

-The cliffhanger with Dooku bringing in the new general -- I really can't wait for the new episode. I really can't.

Bad Things:

-Even it was kind of the point or something (or there was something that I missed), the dictator of Onderon was annoying as fuck, at least from some of his scenes. I guess his luring his predecessor up from the dungeons to accuse him of leading the rebels to riot (isn't that great logic? /sarcasm) was meant to be a Kick The Dog moment, but if anything -- well, don't get me wrong; it was pretty bad, but at the same time, I was going on the inside "Really?!" I mean, who the fuck does that? I just felt like his job was just to be evil (oh yeah, and eat fruit in front of his predecessor. Evilly.). * You know, evil because the plot demands it, not because of any sort of motivation. Seriously, how awesome would it be if we got a dictator character who genuinely thought that he was doing the right thing? I mean, nobody really acts evil for the sake of being evil. (Well, except maybe Dr. Evil) At least, in my opinion. And I think it would have done more volumes to add shades of gray to the Onderon rebellion than anything else. But nope -- we got generic evil gloating and evil fruit-eating. Badass.

Then again, the invasion of Onderon is just beginning. I suppose when I catch up to next episode, it'll be a bit better, but still...let's say that It Just Bugged Me is all. *Sighs* Good episode, wish that the dictator was slightly more developed.

* I really do apologize for the TV Tropes linkspam. I had to.

So yeah -- can't really wait for the next episode in regards to how the invasion turns out. Feel free to tell me if you feel that I missed something about the episode, etc.

vid recommendations, warning: may piss people off, vid recs, aw look she thinks she's clever

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