Smallville Fic(let)/Drabble Meme + shameless TVD promotion

Apr 28, 2011 13:58

I am overcome with many of the feelings on the soon-coming end of my show, (Smallville). So to help myself (and maybe some of you) through this, I propose a.........

1. Post prompts, one per comment. Post a ton, okay. The more prompts the better.
2. Do not be shy. No one bites (unless you ask). For Smallville, any pairing, any character.
3. Post drabble in response to the prompt's comment thread.
4. Repeat until dead. Or something.
5. Anyone can join in.
6. Feedback is always a nice thing, so if the spirit moves you, give some.

Please know: I personally pledge to write drabbles in response to minimum 8 prompts - FOR ANY SHIP, ANY CHARACTER, ANY THING YOU WANT ME TO. I can't promise which I'll choose but will try for variety. This is the most selfish thing I've ever done, no joke. Indulge me, okay?

More under the cut!

  • What's a drabble? A drabble is generally 100 words in length.
  • What's a ficlet? A ficlet is longer than a drabble but shorter than a 'fic'. Haha, useless explanation. But generally ficlets are under 1000 words.
We're celebrating brevity but if your spirit moves you to write some tome-length one-shot, two-shot, twenty-shot - DO IT. But if someone writes you an actual drabble, eat it up and taste the goodness because sometimes the best things come in small, delicious packages.
  • How do I prompt? Post a comment >>Prompt, Character(s)/Ship<< a prompt can be anything - a word, a phrase, a lyric, a part of a poem, a random collection of words, a specific OSV you're dying to see, go wild.
  • How do I reply to a prompt? Reply, in header >>Title of Fic, Character(s), rating<< Link to your own journal or post the fic here - or both - I'll make an archive.
  • What's with the pomegranates? I don't know, I like them okay - best symbolic fruit around.
  • How do I promote? TELL PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And use my pomegranate banner if you like ;)

those old theater shoes (Tess/Emil), pg ladygawain 
of pearl stitch, that one afternoon (Martha - with appearances from clark and lois), pg ladygawain 
think of the neighbors, honey (Clark/Lois), light R ladygawain 
gathering sand (Lois-centric, Clark/Lois), pg ladygawain (click 'thread' on this comment so it expands completely, it's kinda long)
Week Two (Lois/Tess), pg tabru 
I n the Still of the Night (Clark/Lois), light R emerald_night 
bright lights, big city (Clark-centric, Clark/Lois) pg ladygawain 
ocean jewel, brilliant sea, and that other one (Clark/Lois) pg ladygawain 
thunder only happens when it's raining (Clark/Lois) NC17 ladygawain  (all three of these are in response to same prompt)
but could we be together outside of time as well as inside (Clark/Lois) pg  art_noveau
  a curious thing (Clark/Lois) NC17 ladygawain 
team effort (Clark/Lois) NC17 kabuki_party 
quiet as clouds (Lana Lang) R ladygawain
some days (Clark/Lois) pg repmetsyrrah

Shameless (if off-topic) promotion:

Go leave a prompt/write fic for that if you're into TVD. I have three stories pending, yikes! So many great prompts, it's awesome!

tv: smallville, tv: vampire diaries, prompt meme, flash fiction, meme: smallville, promotion, fic meme

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