Smallville Finale Party (Coping) Post & Poll

May 12, 2011 10:24

Okay, so, Smallville is ending. And I just don't know how to deal with this reality. I don't. And I'm ready for it to end intellectually (I think) but I'm just FULL. Full of all the emotions and I don't know what to do with any of them.

So, I propose that we celebrate or - at least - remember all the good times and bad in one ridiculous post. I will probably end up partying by myself, but I don't care.

This is a FREE FOR ALL. See behind the cut for what to do.

What to do (not all of them, lol, but whatever you want):
  • Post favorite videos over the years.
  • Post favorite scenes.
  • Post rambling or not rambling meta about your favorite characters and ships.
  • Post pretty gifs/art/videos about characters, ships, the show in general, Superman, whatever!
  • Talk about comics.
  • Post about how this show makes you FEEEEEL, how the end makes you feel, all of your feelings even if it's one word.
  • When did you start watching Smallville? Why have you stuck it out all this time?
  • Favorite episodes/Least favorites?
  • What's your favorite thing about the show? What was your favorite thing?
  • What do you hate about the show? What do you wish they'd done better? Or are you so verklempt right now that you don't even want to go there?
  • Post a gif that represents your feelings, much like the one I posted or if you're better at coping than I am, a calmer one.
  • Hell, if you want, post two-line fic.
  • Talk about your life if you want, whatever floats your fancy (ha, mixing up my idioms).
I don't care and neither should you, this is just to talk about, rave about, rant about, flail about, ALL THINGS SMALLVILLE.

One rule: No Bashing. I'm sure we can communicate without being cruel, all opinions are welcome here though. I don't care what you ship or who you like, it's all good on this Starship Enterprise vessel. Cool? Cool.

And if you've got nothing to say, just come and say hi, because I am deathly afraid that I will never interact with any of you once this is all over and it's making me depressed. Please never leave me (needy).

Here's The Worst Poll In History Actually (also, I made a few mistakes because Tom Welling's face was NOT supposed to go in what you'll miss least. And a few other winners. This is what happens when I try to do something at ungodly hours of the morning. Oy.

Poll Smallville Why You Leave Me? or I'm So Ready Poll a.k.a. Worst Poll in History Actually

Explain yourself in the comments, and maybe be less ridiculous than I am.

tv: smallville, discussion, ramble, fun, fun times, friends, random

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