yah boyyeeeeeee!!!! he rocks out tenfold!
so it's 2006 eh.. and i've got a few resolutions i'd like to put out there ...
~ grow spiritually: because ya know what?? i'm a christian, i'm sick of sitting on the fence with things.. i'm a christian first and foremost that's who i started off being these past 8 years and that's who i'm going to continue being.. no i don't like swearing, and nudity, and drugs, and hate.. and all the other stupid stuff out there ...and if someone doesn't like me because of that i won't be too inclined to really care anyways..
~ lose weight: yada yada
~ write a song: the lyrics, the melody, the whole shpiel..
~ get a job
~ laugh more.. not take myself so seriously all the time
~ take myself more seriously when need be
~ get out of school
~ be better organized
~ be a better friend
kks nuff of that..
wow so what should i write a song about.. hmm .. .. . . . . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. .
heh i remember i wrote that ducky song back in the day my word... lol