World Cup Again!!

Mar 03, 2011 20:58

It's been a while since I posted anything, because of silly rl and what not, and I really miss my lj!

Anyway its that time again, only this time round its CRICKET!! The ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 started a few weeks back and I've just been glued to the TV, because THIS is the cup that counts! I mean the T20 World Cup and the IPL are fun and all, but nothing beats this!  Obviously I'm rooting for India, but I would also like to see either Ireland or Netherlands or even Canada come up, what can I say? I like the underdogs. Although I don't know if we can really call Ireland minnows, because the beat bloody England yesterday! That was really one hell of an exciting match, and right now it, from the looks of things Canada might beat Pakistan as well! Its seems to be turning into an underdog's tournament, which makes it even more exciting!

I also need to get myself and ICC WC icon/icons real bad XD

And today I received a little surprise in the mail; thanks so much for the card saurgristiel !! ♥

world cup, cricket, woot

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