Probably my most appropriate ever use of this icon.

Sep 13, 2008 17:25

I've called AT&T three times.

I've taken my computer to the Apple Store and had it looked at.

I've dropped $10 bucks for a new ethernet cable.

Today I dropped another $70 for a new modem, spent half an hour hooking up the damn thing.


There is a slight difference with my new modem - instead of being completely dead, the Internet light constantly flickers green (never steady). My Ethernet light, however, is still dead.

Which means either AT&T or Apple is full of shit. The fact that my Ethernet light has been dead on two modems now makes me think maybe it IS my computer (ohhellohhellohHELL), but then I wonder, why was I able to get online with it in the Apple Store? (My AirPort wasn't on, so I couldn't have been picking up the store's wireless network.)

I'm literally ready to rip out my hair. But I'm going to make ONE more swing by the Apple Store again tonight. If I don't get some decent answer there, I don't know what I'm going to do. This shit is NOT what I'm paying $65 a month for, to piggyback on someone else's half-assed wireless connection where I can't do anything besides occasionally blog.

So much for getting any studying done today.

On a less selfish/whiny/bitchy note, I hope everyone in the path of Ike is - if not dry - then at least alive and kicking. :)

ETA: Well, two Apple techs spent about 40 minutes tinkering, and couldn't really figure out what the problem was. (Apparently I get an award for "most stumping issue of the day." Heh.) The good news is that the ethernet port doesn't seem to be dead, it just won't... connect to anything. They suggested I back up my files and re-run my Mac OS install CDs and restore my original settings, and if that doesn't solve the problem, then I'll have to get it checked in. Meeble.

hurricanes, computer

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