Sep 10, 2008 22:09
I don't feel so bad about my algebra class now. Today's class was basically reviewing everything for next week's test (meeeeep), and at least half a dozen people looked/sounded as lost and clueless as me. I lost count of how many times me and the two people nearest to me exchanged a "wtf just happened, did you understand any of that?!" look, followed by wide-eyed head-shaking and shrugging. One girl told the teacher outright she didn't think she would pass this test. So while it's somewhat comforting to know I'm not in a total minority feeling utterly stupid and slow, it's not comforting to know I'm likely going to repeat history in this class. ;)
And I seem to have some across another unexpected learning difficulty: my vision. I suspect I'm becoming somewhat nearsighted. Every so often in the past few months I've noticed it's a little harder to focus on things that were farther away, but didn't really think about it until class started. Last week I had much more trouble than I should have focusing on a huge picture on a projector in Psych class, and ever since our math class moved to a classroom with a board instead of a projector, I've had trouble reading the board. I can read most of it, but more and more it's difficult to make out the writing and while I'm trying to do that, the teacher's already five steps ahead in explaining the problem. It's hard enough to stay focused in a class on a subject you haven't taken at all in seven years and the teacher moves at the speed of light, and it's even moreso when you're having trouble reading what he's writing. :P I don't doubt my copious computer time at work and at home hasn't helped things. It would help if I could get to class early enough to get a seat closer to the front of the room, but my work schedule doesn't really allow for that.
For a good chunk of my life I've taken pride in that I'm the only person in my immediate family (and one of very few in my extended family) that didn't need glasses. Should've known that wouldn't last. ;) Now I'm kind of regretting not opting for the Vision option last time I updated my health insurance.
On the bright side of the school thing, I did get a 96 on that Psych exam! The Hermione in me is wondering why I didn't get a 100, but I'll certainly not complain on a 96. :D
Still having internet troubles. 'Twould be nice to be able to do something more than the occasional email and blog.