Sep 09, 2008 21:47
...or more brilliant than I give it credit for.
-- Possibly moronic, because this is now the SECOND quiz I've been screwed out of finishing because my browser crashed in the middle of the quiz. We're supposed to have two chances to take the quiz, yet somehow apparently crashing ONCE has used up BOTH my chances. Last week's quiz the instructor will let me take at the end of the semester, but somehow I doubt the instructor is going to accept "my browser crashed" as an excuse two weeks in a row. Especially because I always wait until the last minute.
-- Possibly brilliant, because the thing evidently hates math more than I do. :P It didn't have any problem with me finishing my 50-question Psych test, but a 10-question math quiz is more than it can take. Heh.
Two quizzes in a row. Not looking good for my future in this class. Guess I'm going to have to actually take all my future quizzes in the campus computer lab, or stay late at work and use the internet there. (Must remember to wear a sweater and long pants, as nearly died of hypothermia in class last week, which is not conducive to my brain cells functioning. Must also find seat closer to front, because I think I'm starting to become nearsighted. Chalkboard was rather blurry at times, which it wasn't before. :-/)
I'd totally blow off tomorrow's class, if it weren't for attendance being the only thing in this class I actually HAVE a chance at doing decently at!