Grey's Anatomy vs. Office...

Sep 21, 2006 21:06

The superior premiere?

The Office, easily. Wish it had been an hour or at least a super-size 40 minutes like "Casino Night," but what was there was still good.

Come back, Jim! :(

When Pam turned to where Jim usually sits to share that laugh with him and she remembers it's Ryan there... man, she's just so bleak throughout the whole episode. Then in Stamford at the meeting when Jim looks to the empty chair where Pam might have sat were he in Scranton - aww.

Creed: "I'm sure a guy probably slipped in there at some point." HEE!

Jim pretending to look for Gaydar for Dwight and Michael on Ebay - then saying how much he misses that. More HEE, with a dose of Awww.

Then Jim sending the fake Gaydar detector at the end, and Dwight's "results."

Looking forward to watching this again with my sister, who didn't get to watch it tonight. I need an Office icon...

"Grey's"... if I mentally skip over the M/D stuff, it helps, but in this case there was a lot. Though the bit with Addison at the end... ownage! *g* And somehow the narration seemed even more irksome than usual, but that may just be me being cranky. Overall, I found this about as entertaining as I found the finale, which wasn't very. *shrug*

ETA: Wow, I thought more people on my f-list watched "The Office"... is everyone else on the West Coast or something?

the office, grey's anatomy, tv

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