First official OotP still, Harry warding off dementors. The hair still takes getting used to, but overall he doesn't look too bad: I kind of like the explanation I read somewhere that Dan had for Harry's new locks - that he likes to think that Harry basically had an emo fit from all the angst at the end of GoF and hacked it all off. ;) Of course, in theory it should still have grown back magically, but still.
Supposedly there's a pic of Umbridge out there too, that no one's been able to find yet.
Now, where's an official Luna pic? :) Actually, I'm kind of surprised she's not one of the pics in this batch, considering her character's been one of the most hyped/anticipated characters from the film.
ETA: Claudia and Ben in tonight's Stargate? Damn weird seeing those two acting together playing strangers - and well, not John and Aeryn. ;)
ETA2: Hey, WTF did Farscape go? No, network, running an SG-1 with Ben and Claudia is not an adequate replacement. (Figures, I think I've found the show again and they take it away from me a week later.)