What is the point of LJ auto-saving my entry the moment I start typing? I'm not going to remember two words?
Anyway. Looks like I have yet another post which has nothing to do with HP or SW. Except that sentence, anyway. ;)
As has started to become standard on Wednesday nights for me because there's simply nothing else on but "reality" crap, I watched Grey's Anatomy last night.
Overall it's good fluff TV - interesting enough that it holds my attention, but not mind-stumping enough that I have to be completely alert the whole time to understand what's going on. ;) And if I miss it... eh. You won't catch me running to devour the latest recap or episode torrent. The writing and acting is generally solid, and very few of the characters I find completely hate-able, but on the other hand, none of them stands out as "OMG I love them!"
I say very few... doesn't mean all of them. The finale in particular, which I saw for the second time last night, makes me want to throw things at several of them. Pretty much any scene with Meredith and Derek ('McDreamy' - WTF kind of nickname is that?), for instance - though that's definitely not exclusive to the finale. Just something about that pairing makes me want clunk their googly-eyed heads together (maybe that they're both selfish, immature teenagers around one another?) - except when they start getting it on in the empty exam room, in which case I mute the TV and try to burrow my eyes in Photoshop to protect them until it passes. They try to make the scene sweet and sexy, but it feels just icky and tacky, especially knowing his wife and her date (both of whom I find more likable characters than M/D) who got all dolled up to spend the evening with them are oblivious a hundred feet away. And did we really need to see him remove her black undies? Eeek! *sporks own eyes*
And Izzy - like most of the characters, I generally don't have much issue one way or another with her, but good grief, what a selfish bitch she is here! The man she claims to love is dying, and he's accepted it, yet all she can go on about is "NOOOO! Don't you care what your death is going to do to MEEEEEEEE?" Granted, the guy let her cut his wires - though even if he had been able to put up more of a protest, I doubt she'd have listened. I did feel kind of bad when she went up to see him in her prom gown and he was already dead (which also led to a moment that made me like Alex a little more after the crap he pulled with Addison and the woman who wanted her tubes tied secretly), but still - half the time I just wanted to smack her head into the wall. And when she went "I'm not cut out to be a surgeon" I went "yep, that's for sure."
So. Nice mostly mindless fluff, but definitely not something I'll be digging up fanfic for. (Especially since I suspect any out there is largely of the ick-inducing M/D ship. Heh. How cute, a ship on a doctors' show has the initials MD. :P)
I kind of wish I had a TV show I could obsessively get into, like I used to have - TNG, Buffy, Farscape. Grey's is entertaining but I wouldn't miss it if it were cancelled tomorrow. The Office at least has a character or two who stand out enough for me to call favorites (I wish my office had a Jim for my Pam), and Jim/Pam are very cute, but somehow it just seems there wouldn't be a lot to do with that fandom - there's only so much Jim/Pam fanfic one can deal with. Bones has proved entertaining enough the last couple of episodes I've seen (I don't have a burning desire to spork any of the characters' eyes yet, and David Boreanaz's acting seems markedly above what it was when he first showed up on Buffy - and he doesn't look bad in the FBI suit either), but I've definitely not seen enough yet to call myself an active fan.
And then there's Veronica Mars.
I'm looking forward to it, but I'm not truly excited yet. (At the moment I'm looking forward more to tonight's The Office premiere.) Though my attitude could change come October 3. I loved season 1; season 2 I still enjoyed but found it was missing some of the edge I'd liked about S1. Part of me wonders/is concerned if S3 will be yet less edgier - the Lilly case has long been solved (as is the question of Veronica's paternity and her rapist), Aaron's gone, Duncan's out of the picture indefinitely, she's apparently happy with Logan, Keith wasn't killed (whew!) in the plane explosion... what demons are there going to be for Veronica to deal with this season? That's actually what, I think, made the bus crash mystery a less compelling one for me than the Lilly murder - it wasn't as personal for Veronica as the Lilly mystery. Sure, there was angst, but not as raw as what we saw her deal with in S1. There's going to have to be some nasty upheaval in her life this season. *g* Including her relationship with Logan - perhaps I'm in the minority here, but I don't fancy seeing L/V all schmoopy and googly... much as I try I can't get myself invested in this pairing, but if there's anything that was interesting about them for me, it was their angst and snark. It's way, way too early for them to skip off to Neverland, and they've already been broken up and reunited, so there's got to be some Joss Whedon Buffy/Angel-esque tragic obstacle coming to upset their bliss. I'm hoping. ;)
And completely off-topic, does anyone know why suddenly I would have to give another statement about my wreck to another insurance company, six months after said wreck? Weird.