Trending This Week

Oct 09, 2010 23:22

1.)  Finished up watching Harry Potter: Chamber of Secrets. My sister is currently reading/watching through the series for the first time. I had forgotten how adorable this movie is. And terrifying. Seriously. Evil basilisk? Being possessed by Voldemort? Giant spiders? How is this is a kid's movie?! LOL. I loved it though. And it totally reminded me why I ship Harry/Ginny. People go on and on about how they hate that ship and how unexpected it was, but, dude, I knew that from at least the second book/movie! So obvious! And the Trio is so adorable, too.

2.) Danny/Kono! Imagine my surprise that my ship (the one I thought I would like before I even watched the show got a 'moment' (or two) in this last ep. I so need to write a missing moments fic about who's idea that was. I'm sure they'll never be a “real” couple on the show, but as long as they keep giving me the little moments, I'll be happy.

3.) New Bones ep this week. I've been thinking this might be one of my flagging fandoms of the season, just because I have Biblestudy during its slot and because I wasn't sure how much I was going to like this season. However, I enjoyed this episode, for the most part. I cannot get over Bones thinking Jersey Shore is a documentary; so hilarious. Loved the scene where Bones was telling Hannah about the telephone and then to be sure that she really loved Booth, because she didn't want his heart to get broken...again. I really enjoyed Sweets' and Booth's scene, especially the little “Oh, boy.” after Booth blew him off. I adore their big brother/little brother relationship. I found in interesting that Sweets approached him as a friend (equals) and that Booth then told him he was a good kid (superiority). I don't know why that struck me. Should meta be put in a closet while watching Bones?? Is that the proper use of the word meta?? Fisher was unexpectedly adorable. He's not my favorite intern and I was wishing Mr. Nigel-Murray back instead, however, I enjoyed his presence in the ep. And at least he didn't get berated like poor Clark. Everyone's interactions with him were sweet and/or funny. I love the yawn = sleepy and depressed. Aw, they try so hard! I really love how Angela is spilling the beans to everyone, despite telling Hodgins she wanted to keep it a secret. I'm afraid, though, that the show will use it as drama for the couple. They have their first big fight over telling people about the baby. *eye roll* I love Cam guessing and her excitement. Even more than that, I absolutely loved the scene where Booth figures it out. Such a sweet hug! Also, is he actually the first one to tell her that she'll make a great mom? Brennan may have; I don't remember. One last funny note: I'm pretty sure that at one point while Booth was driving, the scenery was going backwards.

4.) Mentalist was a bit of a disappointment this week, to be honest. I was expecting it to be more dramatic, I think. The only scene that made really sit up and take notice was the interrogation room scene with Kristina at the end. Partly because I was wondering why they had a catatonic victim sitting in an interrogation room, instead of in their office, conference room, or a hospital. Granted, Kristina was also a suspect in her own disappearance, but I'm not sure that's a crime...although faking Red John (smiley face, etc) might be, I suppose. I thought the “seance” was amazingly clever. Despite her creepy smile, I was glued to the screen as she said she was dead. I don't like Kristina, but I am interested in seeing how this shakes out. I loved Rigsby's awkward attempt to cheer Jane up. They also have a bit of a brotherly dynamic going on, I think. Ok, now to rant: That car crash!! Grrr!!! I could not believe that's how they choose to introduce Grace's new love interest. And right after she said she was a little hurt when Rigsby dated dated other women and that she wanted them to be just friends. Then she is crashed into by love interest. Way to do subtle, show! On the plus side, he seems nice. There was foreshadowing, of course, but no lingering looks/exchanging of phone numbers, so that was good. I was also mad that the car crash was the result of Grace doing something stupid. The scene went by so fast that I didn't really catch it and I'm still not sure how come tailing guy hit them with such force and at that angle. Confusing! There's absolutely no concern and no TLC. Just Rigsby quickly checking on her and Lisbon yelling at her. So, yeah, that scene was a letdown. Next week looks good, though.

5.) Almost forgot about NCIS/NCIS:LA. I found the first to be pretty intriguing, even if I didn't like Dempsey. Tony was too adorable when his Ziva pointed out his elbow on the cover. I loved the cut-out, too, and Tony jumping when Gibbs head-slapped it. I think the best part of this ep was definitely the Fornell and Gibbs interaction. Hilarious! LA was interesting this week. I loved Deeks and Kensi undercover ring shopping! G and Sam just made it all the more hilarious--“What do you think: Lady and the tramp?” “More like Beauty and the Beast.” It was nice to see Kensi undercover again; she's really good at it! Her stepping on Deeks' foot was great! And G's follow-up line to Kensi's “We need to keep an eye on this guy. He's definitely shady.” was great (“We are talking about the jewelry store guy, right?”) I cracked up a bit with Deeks' “Princess...Princess.” And, finally we get to meet Nell. And...fandom hates her. Well, ok, most of the people on TWoP did and I don't know how much of fandom they represent. My family was kind of rolling their eyes about her, too. She definitely got less annoying as the episode went on, though. I liked her on principle, because I wanted her to be a good character. Hopefully, she'll dial down... a lot. I am shipping her and Eric, though. And her and Deeks a little, too, just 'cause I don't want him with Kensi. :P Ok, so I know I was a bit wishy-washy about her here, but I want to give her more than one ep to form a real opinion. And, yes, I did think she seemed like a (bad) Claudia knock-off.

6.) So I've been trying all day to break out of my writer's block funk. It didn't work. I even found a few comment fic memes where I loved the characters and prompts and still nothing. I tried to edit (ok, completely rewrite) a story from my old days of fanfiction (posted when I was like 14) and found it completely hopeless. Although, it was a terrible story and, upon close inspection, doesn't even fit well within the world it was written in. So, I'm feeling a bit discouraged about not being able to write anything these days. I really need to shake my writer's block before my NFA SeSa fic is due.

7. )Lastly, a non-fandom item: So I drove up to Metropolis the other day for a job interview. I drove through a small town and their haunted house caught my eye. The building they were using looked like it used to be a nursing home, which I find very tacky. I also wonder what they do with the building the other eleven months of the year. Hopefully not turn it back into a nursing home!

fanfiction, fall 2010 tv, ncis, ncis:la, fandom, random, bones, harry potter, tv, mentalist, hawaii five-o

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