"Will needs to invite the audience in, so Hugh Dancy, as an actor, has a face that invites the audience into his story, and you can take them on a wild journey, and they will remain with Hugh Dancy because he is that charming of an actor and also appealing as a human being, that despite whatever pain he’s going through, you’re rooting for him to get through it." basically what you're saying is that he was too pretty not to love, yes? because you'd be right.
also "[with Freddie Lounds and Alana Bloom], it was really just a function of needing more female voices and perspectives and characters on the show, because it’s just a lot of men. It ran dangerously close to being a lot of white men, and we just didn’t want to be so narrow in our worldview, so when you saw these characters on the show, it didn’t feel like it was a very limited world." if only more people in media actually thought about things like this and then acknowledged why and how they were going to deal with it. then i wouldn't feel vaguely guilty for appreciating a white guy for just being a decent human being.
b. the Great Fringe Marathon has restarted after a year's hiatus, since one of my friends that i watch with is normally in another city during the semester. we're currently about 3 episodes from the end of season 4, and i am DYING with olivia/lincoln feels in about 3 different ways (spoilers: alternate universes make shipping really complicated). this goddamn show is ruining me.
also i am HUGELY unsatisfied with the olivia/peter relationship, and at the moment it quite literally looks like olivia's character is sacrificing her identity (and relationships with her mother figure and partner!) for ~her love of peter~ and i just. can't stand this entire goddamn plot line. unfortunately it doesn't look like things are going to change. eurgh.
c. seriously what the hell is happening on haven and how soon can they kill off william? he's such a little shit. i could get on board with an evil!audrey however.