Dear Yuletide Author

Oct 21, 2007 18:14

Dear Yuletide Author,

First--thank you for playing!! I'm so excited to be doing Yuletide again this year--thank you so much for being my author! :) I'm really very easy to please, and will truly be thrilled with any of the fandoms I signed up for.

In general, especially come reveal time, I prefer happy or at least hopeful endings to angst or death!fic--that being said, a healthy dose of angst in the rest of the fic does make a happy ending all the sweeter. ;) No deathfic, please and thank you--canon deaths are perfectly acceptable, just so long as the death isn't the focus--but I'm pretty sure this won't be a problem for you. (If it is, sorry!) I love humor, too, and am not at all opposed to smut--but I do like a little plot with teh sex. ;) Plot-wise, I am especially fond of hurt/comfort and hospital/bedside vigil scenes. I love missing scenes, 5 things, vignettes and variations on a theme... I'm really easy to please, I promise.

More specifically...

Request 1: Young Justice, Tim/Cissie.

If you're reading this, you see my header--and most of my flist can attest to the way this pairing has sort of overtaken my brain. zoe_chan and I have been co-writing what can only be called an epic about them, and we've made a community (tim_cissie) for them. That said, if you saw this request and had an aneurysm, wondering how on earth you should pull *that* off? Don't worry. I love these two so much--I really will be thrilled if they're just friends, so long as they're both in the fic and are interacting. I love YJ era canon, and I don't mind current canon, either--fixing current canon is *awesome.* (I am NOT a fan of Tim/Cassie, incidently.) I also don't mind it if you feel like throwing canon out on its ear. Quite honestly, just about anything will make me squeeful here.

Request 2: RENT, Mark

I love RENT, and Mark is my favorite character. To me, he's the lynchpin of the group, and the one everyone turns to for help and advice. I don't normally mind slash, but here, the only pairing that I really like for Mark is Maureen--if it's pre-RENT, that is. If it's set after the musical/movie, then I really adore the canon pairings that exist--and the Mark/Roger/Collins friendship makes me gleeful, so anything focusing on that trio would bring me great joy. What I'd love most is to see the other characters appreciate Mark. Here is a request where the hospital/bedside vigil idea would be especially welcome, if you'd like. ;) I'd really like a happy ending here, though, as much as possible given canon.

Request 3: Robin McKinley's Dragonhaven, Jake/Martha

In case this is not the fandom you signed up for and would like to read it--I highly suggest you do!--I'll be brief. I love Jake and I love Martha--I'd like a bit more of them. Vignettes, moments--or even one--just some added depth and detail. If Lois (or another dragon or two) makes an appearance, that'd be awesome.

Request 4: Batman Begins, Bruce and Alfred

Here, definitely no slash--genfic is preferred (although I don't mind Alfred/Lucius). I love Bruce and Alfred and their crazy family dynamics, and I'd love anything about Bruce's childhood and teenage years--pretty much anything set before Bruce's Seven Years In Tibet will make me gleeful.

Thank you so, so much for participating this year! I can't wait to read my fic!

Love, Sara


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