So yeah, today sucked...but

Sep 09, 2013 22:29

it's done, it's over with, onto new things.

We're doing the tango on the house. Made and offer, had the inspection, now it's back and forth on the tree damage from storms that was never taken care of and on getting certification that an old oil tank was properly taken care of and is not still sitting there leaking into the ground.

But it's moving, and if all goes well we'll get the keys on the 15th of October. Just in time for one of my best friends I ever had (and the best roommate I ever had) to be coming for a visit with his wife and daughter. They're moving back up here from Texas in the spring, and are coming to take a look an touch base before then. I'm hoping I can offer up room to throw down blow up mattresses or something and save them a few days of hotel bills.

So much going on and feeling overwhelmed, and it's only going to get worse. And today one of the cars decided to not steer and throw a tantrum. So I had to drive down to Eagan and pick up James and we'll have to rent one (yay$$$) for him to get to work while this one gets towed back (yay$$$) and fixed (yay$$$) AGAIN (yay$$$).

I keep buying lottery tickets and it's not working. I don't need the jackpot, I'd be happy with 10 grand, maybe 15. That would get him a better car, pay a chunk of Rhi's tuition and take care of some bills we've been paying off from when he was on unemployment. We've avoided bankruptcy so far (and are even paying off old stuff, mostly medical) and are doing ok, but I wouldn't turn down a little extra - who would? *LOL*

But we're doing okay. I wish he could see that. He's one of those that's always waiting for the other shoe to drop. I've tried to explain to him that shoes and I are on good terms, and if anything drops it'll be designer and that's all good. ;) He just doesn't get it. It's almost a scheduled reminder now that I tell him to think back to what we had (started with NOTHING, a chair, a bw tv, not even a bed - blankets on the floor and shared a pillow). And little by little over the past 16 years we've crawled ahead, even when things were bad like when I was sick and in and out of the hospital or when he'd get laid off. We've kept going and kept it together when a lot of other people had given up. He just needs reminding, that's all.

Sometimes I do, too.

So today kinda sucked, and the car was just the topping on the potato, but we'll keep going. I'm hoping good news by the end of the week on the house. Rhi has auditions for "Blythe Spirit" this week, I love Noel Coward. She's decided (and I know it could change) that she wants to study the classics and classic theater, as in Shakespere and the like...still in London. So far away. But, if that's what she wants to study there is no better place, no better teachers or mentors than where it all began. How could I ever tell her no? Or even cast any kind of shadow or doubt?

I'm 41 and just now starting to live my life how I want and work on MY dreams. Coming from knowing what its like to be told "you'll never" or "you can't" - I could never do that to her. I'll be damned if I let her struggle for half her life fighting with herself to find some kind of self worth when I can give it to her from day one. She's amazing, she wonderous, and she can do anything she wants. And I will tell her that every single day.

I'm just so very grateful that she'll be able to. Because of my Dad's partner, Bud, who passed last year, and his careful planning - she'll be able to go to school where ever she wants and for what ever she wants and the money will be there. We never even knew he'd planned for that. To us, he loved my Dad and made him happy. He welcomed us and treated us like family when we'd visit. He was an amazing man, and he's taking care of my baby's education now. I wish I could have told him thank you. But I think he knows and I hope he watches over her and can enjoy what she'll become.

So, tomorrow - get up, get kid to the bus, take husband to the car rental guy and hope he has something cheap, wait to hear on other van, go to Doc (PLEASE figure this BS out, it's driving me crazy and I'd like to not feel like shit in time for Crypticon), wait for more word on the house and if I'm really lucky - decide on a sketch for the Zombie prom dress and start work on it. And somewhere in there do some laundry or everyone's gonna be naked by Wednesday.

Love to all!!!
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