Still here

Aug 09, 2013 18:22

No, I haven't fallen off the Earth.
The Doctor didn't show up with his blue box asking for assistance only I could give.
I'm not hiding Sherlock until it's all clear, or nursing Crowley back to health.
And Loki hasn't shown up either....

I've just kind of...gone into hiding I guess. I do that sometimes. I appreciate the notes and emails asking if things are okay, and for the most part they are. Just kind of having some self imposed hermit time while I get my head together. Mucking out the stalls, as it were.

This past year has been life altering to say the least. It's made me take a serious look at things and what in my life is toxic and holding me back. A big part of that was who was toxic as well, and I have since cut ties with some people who I once thought of as dearest friends. It was hard to look at the relationship without blinders or excuses and see how it really was. But the difference since, as hard as it has been, has been amazing. I had to learn it was okay to mourn the friendship, but not feel guilty for protecting myself. Harder to do than it sounds.

We've had health issues, teenager issues (like lack of 48 hours in a day and being stuck with 24 and no time turner), family issues, and a lot of hurry up and wait due to Illinois getting around to accepting same sex marriage a bit late. My Stepdad died over a year ago, my Dad is STILL not done dealing with the will and all that. Which makes it hard for him to move ahead and get through the mourning and grief. Hopefully soon, a month more, maybe two, and he can.

Because part of the plan is him moving up here with us, we also sit in limbo, while the house we all fell in love with sits and waits (and we pray every day that no one comes along and snags it before we can). This house is amazing, we all fell in love with it as soon as we saw it. We've all said we can see this being the forever house, imagining holidays there and family get togethers. Getting snowed in and all holing up in the living room with the huge fire place (I'm talking half the wall) on one side and the floor to ceiling windows looking over the river on the other. Sitting out on the deck in the summer just watching the river, or storms. Big family meals in the kitchen. It's a place we all felt like it was "home".

So we wait.

Meanwhile I'm trying to figure out how to start a business when I don't even have a clue what to charge for my creations. My baby is going into 10th grade and will be heading to London in 174 days to have an amazing adventure while I lose my mind for 10 days til she comes back. Husband is having weird medical issues that we can't figure out and it's stressing him huge. And I'm stressing to the point I gained back about 15 of the 60 lbs I'd lost.

But I've hit the restart button and found this adorable pic that I'm going to hang up to remind myself to keep going -

I'm seriously addicted to Tom Hiddleson lately. Not sure why, but he's like coffee to me - MUST HAVE daily dose or there's blood and destruction everywhere in my path ;)

ANyway - I'm still alive, but still in quiet mode for now. Just sifting through the days and making changes where I seem to need to. It's wonderful, but exhausting.

Love to all -
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