ow, 'scuse me while I empty my hungover brain...

Sep 22, 2013 13:12

Why do I do this to myself? I know I'm only gonna suffer for it the next day *L*

Went out with friends last night. It's PRIDE weekend here in Cloudy town. I spent most of the day yesterday volunteering for Pride in the Park, where we the Pride Celebration up with PFLAG, and SCSU LGBT groups to all present an Anti-Bullying message. It was great, the weather was perfect, lots of great people and entertainment and booths and OMG DOGGIES everywhere!!! The local Humane Society sponsored the kids area (and they did an awesome job). They also had a couple Rescue Sites there with dogs to adopt, as well. Everything from this HUGE St. Benard to a little baby pit bull - I PET ALL THE DOGS!!! Was kind of the status of everyone there. =)

I got to be a team lead, and learned very quickly that next year I will suggest some kind of basic radio training - that was a bit of a mess *L*

I helped people find stuff, handed out Programs, info, told them about the rest of the stuff going on this weekend and about the groups putting everything on.. And basically smile and welcome them and keep an eye on making sure everyone was happy and family friendly - which was important to us for the show in the park.

Last night, however, was the big Drag Show - 21+ - Went with two of our best friends, laughed so much my stomach hurts today, caught up on things, drank too much (which my body doesn not like, so I don't do it often - today I am cold, very achey, and I could stick my head under Niagra Falls and still be thirsty. And that's really only after 5 drinks over a period of 6 hours, Vodka Sours or Screwdrivers with LOTS of ice. My body just does not handle it like it used to. I think back to before I had Rhi and when I was following bands all over the state or helping a friend with his DJ business or when I was a club kid - out working/partying til the bars closed, then after parties somewhere, get home around 7 am and sleep til 2 or 3, get up, shower, go have coffee and some food and then get ready to go out again. This was usually 3 or 4 nights a week, AND weekends, and there were times I'd have a regular job on top of it or be doing Theater shows.

I think I'd die if I tried that now *LOL*

It was good to catch up with these friends, though. We don't get to do this with them or spend a lot of time with them nearly enough. He's an OTR Truck driver and she works full time, mid day til night. Soon though, she'll be free for a bit, since she'd getting laid off - but it's good because she's going back to school and she's going to make a kick ass nurse.

And we got swap stories about the friends we've both cut out of our lives lately, it's the same ones, and basically for the same reasons. They were great friends to have, when they needed something from you or could get ahead because of you. We're all tired of it and are just done with it.

I'm getting over it, but it still hurts. We had YEARS of being there, taking care of each others kids as the grew up together, being there when someone was sick and just needed someone to sit with them at a Doc, we talked every day, had coffee, and it feels now like none of it meant to them what it had meant to me. They were having a hard time, I helped them out, talked them up and got them into a great seasonl job that led to a full time one for one of them. With a great family with a growing business. But I guess that wasn't enough because that's when I started getting pushed out, not being given messages, or finding that what I supposed to be working on was suddenly done (and I'm sorry, but in a half assed way no less), I didn't even get paid for the last two years I worked there because it seems my hours never got turned in.

I know if I said something to the owner, that would be taken care of immediately, but it's not that big of a deal, really - maybe a couple hundred dollars, which in reality she'd be paying twice because I'm sure I know where the money actually went.

I could have said something, I could have pitched a fit or called them out, but honestly I just was too hurt to be bothered. And then I had family stuff come up that was way more important. So I let it go and just cut ties.

But Karma has been watching, and it seems keeping score, because now I'm hearing that shit it hitting the fan. The owner's been asking where I am, why haven't I come back, why haven't I called her. And when the one tried to spew something to cover themselves she seems to have forgotten my mom was standing right there and now it's all coming out.

SO I guess we'll see what happens. I am going to continue to do nothing, and let it run itself out. BEcause I do believe that what you put out is what you get back. And I'm sorry they've hit hard times again, and I'm sorry if when everything is known it affects their jobs in some way, and I feel bad they seem to stayin the cycle of shit...but you bring things on yourself and if you're going to keep using people like that and only be fair weather friends, then you're going to get what's coming full circle to you. And I'm sorry, maybe one day they'll learn and stop doing it. Maybe they'll realize that there are some people who bent over backwards for them, did everything they could possibly do for them, anytime they could and expected nothing but an honest and loyal friendship in return. Maybe then they'll stop stabbing people in the back for what basically adds up to greed. I can't see how greed is worth the cost of (from what I know) at least 4 really good friendships, maybe more?

So theres's my hungover rant...and now I have to go help my daughter and her friend pick out homecoming dresses...Thank Goddess I have 3 rubbermaid bins of vinatage formals to choose from. I knew I was hanging on to them for some reason. =) This years theme is "The Great Gatsby". Could be worse, I guess. I'm gonna need some more bling, though. A perfect excuse for an SR Harris trip *L*
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