Title: One, two. Author: Razzle Pairing: Bill/Tom Rating: NC17 like whoa Summary: It’s only pretend. Disclaimer, A/N: It’s only pretend. Betad by and dedicated to Texan incest momma, moblo413
Title: Friends and Lovers. Pairing: Jack/Ianto Rating: G Summary: In my life, I love you more. 100songs Song prompt: In my life, The Beatles. Unbetad. I needed some love.
Title: Absolution. 1/1 Rating: NC17 Pairing: Jack/Ianto. Jack/others mentioned Summary: Guilt. Or the lack of it. Warnings: This fic needs a warning. But it works better without, so the choice is yours; ( Click here to read warning )
Write a drabble based on your current default icon. No changing it! Just write it as it comes; no beta-reading or mulling over. Any fandom or no fandom at all.