JLPT nightmare O-V-E-R!

Dec 03, 2007 20:08

Zomg!!! My JLPT is finally over! Yahhhhhhh i've been trying to use every bit of free time i can get at work to study! During my lunch break, before i start work, on the train to and back...literally almost every spare time i get i drag out my book to study. I doubt i've ever been this hardworking during my school days. LOL! Shows what a lack of time and tiredness can do to motivate you. ^_^

But at long last, it ended yst. My j-class peeps and i had the test at the Japanese School at Changi. So frigging far and quite alot of ppl. Luckily it wasn't difficult to spot them. And i was smart enuf to bring some bread cos most of us had early breakfast so during the breaks, we were attacking food like wolves. Haha!

And guess what, because the school is a PRIMARY school...all the desks and chairs are TINY! Hahaha and here's me, tall and so NOT tiny. I was having a hard time bending my legs at a weird angle thru'out the test. I didn't noe what to do with them...stretch and it'll go way pass the desk, i can't sit properly cos the desk is too short etc...lol quite an experience. I guess this is where being petite comes in handy.

We gotta remove our shoes and put it in the shoe cubby outside. Omg so cute! I felt like i was in some shoujo manga...if i wasn't stressing over the whole test. The listening part killed me...as expected. I either couldn't catch what they were saying, or i didn't understand. So a heck of a lot of guess work there. =_=...i dun think my chances of passing are high at all.

Then after the test, we headed to East Point for dinner and dessert. Oh man it felt sooo good to relax and laugh with the rest, and not have to worry abt studying. Yeahhh no more dragging my notes to work! I think we might be having some Christmas celebration together. Oooh can't wait, my j-class is quite funny when we chill out.

And today is actually the first enjoyable lunch i had since i started work. Usually, my lunch consist of me packing the food back to office and eating it while surfing the internet. I dun talk much to the rest(alot of times the men aren't in the office) and the other lady and i have different lunch times(even if we had the same, we're not buddy enuf to have it together). Carys was in the area and we had lunch at Sakae Sushi!

Ahhhh it was just what i needed. The start of the month is super busy for me so at least i had something to look forward to! And we talked and cackled about our BL stuff. Wooot! I love fangirling BL! Esp naruto yaoi! (The lastest chapt of Naruto 380 is what started it for me...smexy delish Itachi and that pose! *hearts*).

So had a fun time ranting, laughing, squealing and swapping stories, i dragged my supposed-to-be 1 hour lunch to 1.5 hours. Hahaha like i give a crap! If i have to suffer with so much work load and dealing with so many things i either dun noe how to do or i only tried it once and am really not familiar with it, i should be allowed some R & R!

I hope to have more meet ups like this. At least it can be a highlight of the day. Will make dealing with the crap office staff alot easier. And dealing with those weird uncles that calls me to clarify things. =_="

work, bl, japanese

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