Nov 27, 2007 20:52

Ahhhhh working makes it so much harder to update things! For me anywaez! Cos nothing much happens! I mean the only thing i could update about is bitching and moaning about my job(which still bites btw) and the fact that my mentor is now on her maternity leave and i'm stuck to deal with everything (that i'm not super familiar with).

There are good points abt my job at times. Like i surf the net when i'm free. Secretly when the boss in, all out when he's not. Haha! Mostly i've been keeping up with the Odex issue via SGCAFE and checking out the cosplay piccys.

Hmmm...other than that...i have my jlpt test this sunday and i haven't even studied all that much. Yikes! And after meeting up for the past couple of sundays with my j-classmates for study sessions, i've realized how little vocab and words i actually noe. Ugh some of my better classmates noe so much more!!!!!! Alas my teh stoopidness. =_="
I'm being abit more hardworking now. I've been bringing my stuff to work to study during my free time. Haha today was the best! Not much to do and the boss was out for most of the day so i basically studied like 70% of the time at office. Kukuku~!!!

I wanna go to EOY 07!!! Who's gonna be there? I dun have time to look thru my f-list yet so i would like a shout out if anyone's going. I'm gonna try and convince my j-class ppl to come. Haha more like sucker and corece them. Kukuku!~!!! I soooo wanna cosplay but...お金がない!うわああ! (No money!!!!) Actually i just wanna see how i look like wearing a wig. Hehe! Always fancied wearing a white wig...man if i ever cosplay, i'd CROSSPLAY because playing guys is just that much fun. ^_^

Oh and i heard rumours that there is a YAOI cosplay event in singapore? WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME ABT IT!!!!!!! ZOMG @#$!!*&@$

If anyone noes anything abt it, tell me pls!!!!! I wanna hold a yaoi paddle!!! LOL!

cosplay, work, japanese

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