Lupines 01 Originally uploaded by
Lady Birchwood. I haven't posted in awhile, not because I don't want to but because my right arm and shoulder don't like computer work. The laptop computer at home is particularly bad for contributing to pain and stress on my right arm/shoulder which is suffering the effects of repetitive strain. The conventional computer stations at work are more user-friendly to the ailing limb, but it's been so busy that there is no time available for sneaking some personal time at the computer during the work day (although I'm doing it now!)
I went to the doctor on Tuesday this week, and she prescribed a muscle relaxant. I took the first dose Tuesday evening and was so gorked out Wednesday morning that I almost didn't go to work! I can't believe that the dosage on the bottle says, "Take one tablet three times a day." I'm now taking a half-tablet at bedtime only and that's tolerable. Between the medication and the exercises I've been doing since last week, I think the therapy is helping to loosen up the tight and spastic muscles and tendons. I'm still uncomfortable but not to the point of tears, and I'm sleeping well at night thanks to the sedative properties of Flexeril!
We had a wonderful time on our 35th wedding anniversary last weekend which was spent in Bayfield, Wisconsin. The lupine photo was taken on the outskirts of Bayfield. The area is known for its lupine fields and they're just beautiful! We tried to plant lupines in our yard one year but they only survived for a couple of years and then died off. We may try going to Bayfield this summer after the flowers have formed their seed pods and harvesting some from the wild variety. They may fare better in this climate rather than the store-bought seeds. It would be nice to see them in the yard year after year!
I'll post more when I'm able.