Skating with Scissors

Feb 19, 2010 08:52

Its interesting that that last entry didnt post. I got a chance to go back and read it. I was so excited for this year. Dont get me wrong im still excited, Im just exhausted. I was a little too ambitious!!
I started school Jan 12th. I have two classes a week that are four hours long. The classes arent bad, I have time for class. Its the homework that is killing me. I have been having to skip practice in order to get some homework done. It is only 50 days into this year and I have already taken two derby trips and I have two more within the next two weeks. Holy crap! That is more travel games than we had in all of last year. They packed this year with games and it is killing me! I ended up not going to three workouts a week. Not enough time, my schedule hardly has enough room for two. Plus lately my body has been feeling like I need recovery time and its just not getting it. My muscles feel sore all the time. I cant stay in my skating stance for very long cuz my legs become so on fire I want to die. Ive always had problems with my legs just some times are worse than others. But I am just sooooo packed in my schedule I am starting to forget things now, and I am starting to get my dates all messed up. I told my teacher Im going to miss school on thurs and its not until next thurs. Yesterday I told someone about something that i thought was happening on sat, its not until next month. I am soooooooooo lost! I have also started color classes at work. I need to find color models which is hard cuz most people are at work when i need models. But class has been pulling me away from work, which is not good. But finding time to get it in was hard too.
I have a game tomorrow and I havent even had time to get nervous about it like I usually do! Im actually really excited for this game though. From what I have seen the canadians are the most fun team in roller derby right now. I am excited for this opportunity to get to play them. (I am a Tush fan!!)
I am tired. I still have a positive attitude just tired. I am having a problem with fatigue. I do really well when I wake up in the morning, but after about 4:00 I am all out of steam and I cant get myself to get everything done.
To unwind at night i am watching the Olympics for about a hour and I am really really enjoying it! I love watching the speed skating! It makes me wanna move somewhere that has an ice rink and find a coach to teach me some speed skating!! hahah Maybe speed skating wont wreck my body as much as girls slamming into my body!
I just need to keep up with my crazy schedule.
Gotta go. Gotta get ready for work. Go Go Go
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