Chapter 3 - The Once Blue Sky

Jan 25, 2014 19:45

Chapter 3

The conference room filled with dead silence. The elders’ gaze fixed on a certain young man that is clearly not affected by their stare. Instead he looks back with confidence burning within his beautiful eyes.

None of the elders fail to see the boy’s bravery and determination, they could say that the boy have the wisdom that their younger generations was lack of. Yunho was long left to wait in another room as the elders wants to talk to Jaejoong alone. Yunho left with reluctance and much persuasion and assurance from Jaejoong.

“It seems that you know what we have in our mind,” the eldest of the elders’ voice echoed in the room. Jaejoong nods his head but not intimidated by the pressure they’re giving. The same determined expression still clearly reflected on his expression.

“Yes, I’m well aware of your cautiousness towards me from the eyes of you people. But firstly I emphasize that I’m just an ordinary 17 years old teenager that has been put to sleep by my parents due to what happened six hundred years ago which I assumed you know what happened then,” he recalls his journey towards this conference room; he had received lots of curious stares from people on the streets making him aware of their cautiousness towards him.

“T-they… well my parents didn’t make it because I found their remains was still around after I woke up, beside my life capsule.” Jaejoong continues while biting his lower lips trying to hold his tears, trying hard to swallow the bitterness in his throat.

“We’re sorry for your lost,” an elderly woman among the elders expresses her sympathy.

Jaejoong shook his head. “No… it’s okay, it is something that I should have expected for waking up after six hundred years,” said Jaejoong solemnly.
He understand his parents’ intention to save his life even though he hate being alone. He just couldn’t hate them forever. They’re his parents after all. And he knows that they love him as much as he loves them.

“Could you tell us your name?” the same elder woman requested. Jaejoong lift his gaze up and meet the other’s.

“Kim - Jaejoong…”

“Jaejoong, we know this might be hard for you since you came from the time when human’s technology developed at its highest peak. But now as you can see, our technology is limited compared during your time we believe,” Jaejoong nods agreeing with their remark. He is well aware of the fact.

“If you couldn’t accept how we lived today, we suggest that you return to your long sleep and wait for another time to be awake,” the eldest one suggest to Jaejoong.

Jaejoong kept his silence, listening to what the elders said to him. Jaejoong fully understands what they mean.

“…and based on the gleam of wisdom in your eyes, we believe that you understand what we mean, and we’re willing to give you helps if you want to start your new life in this village but in exchange you’ll need to adapt with our way of life that’s all we ask,” the eldest once again emphasize his point.

Jaejoong silently nods as thousand of thoughts going through in his mind. The eldest one turns to one of the guard standing besides the door to call Yunho.

“That’s all we want to say, boy,” said the eldest among the elders before letting Yunho taking Jaejoong.

Jaejoong spent his day… thinking. He sat on Yunho’s bed while looking at the sun disappearing at the horizon. “Red… just like that day…” Jaejoong whispered to himself, recalling the last day he saw the sky of his world. Now he is looking at the real sky that he had been wishing for, yet his first impression of it, is sad.

Yunho enters the room while drying his hair, in his pyjama pants. Spotting Jaejoong sitting by the window while looking at the scenery, he set himself next to Jaejoong. “Beautiful isn’t it?”

Jaejoong nodded agreeing with him. “Yet it looks sad…” his voice coated with sadness which Yunho caught immediately. “Mmm…” Yunho hummed, nods agreeing. “But…” he continues, “When night falls, the sky will be full of stars and moon. It’s never lonely. Even when we can’t see the stars… doesn’t mean they were not there. They always have been there to accompany the sky. They just hide somewhere up there…”

Yunho’s words made something twinkled deep in Jaejoong’s heart… somehow he feels enlightened. Jaejoong’s gaze fell on Yunho. Insecurities and doubtfulness disappeared from his thought the moment he laid his eyes on him. Jaejoong suddenly chuckled. “What? Did I say something funny?” Yunho flustered.

“No… you’re right.” Jaejoong covers his laugh. “I’m a fool for considering too much.” Jaejoong’s inner voice echoed. “Spill! You’re making me dying of curiosity, tell me…” Yunho urged, shaking Jaejoong’s shoulder. After few minutes of good laugh which Jaejoong finds odd, his laughter died. He pulled himself together before start.

The plump lips slowly open to reveal his secret… “I-I thought that I shouldn’t stay here… I’ve awaked at the wrong time. I’m alone. No one’s like to have me here… a-and I should return to my sleep... a-and…” his words stops when Yunho lightly pressed his index on Jaejoong’s lips. Jaejoong levelled his gaze with Yunho. Sadness clearly pictured in Yunho’s eyes. Before Yunho could say anything, Jaejoong muted him the same way he did.

With his other hand, Jaejoong took Yunho’s away from his lips and places it close to his chest. “Let me finish… I’m serious when I said that… but seeing you here, giving me support while I’m down. I feel stupid. Stupid for letting go what you have already gave me. I need to let go what have gone and starts a new life here… so… could you help me while I’m searching for my purpose here?” Jaejoong flashes his puppy eyes at Yunho.
Yunho’s lips quirked into a smile, “I thought you’ll never ask… but first let your feet takes its time to adapt,” he winked at Jaejoong and they both laughed.

“Thank you…” Jaejoong express his gratitude. “For what?” Yunho shrugs.

“For helping me,” slowly smile creeps on Jaejoong’s plump lips but the moment becomes awkward when Yunho extends his hands and caressing Jaejoong’s right cheek. Automatically his gaze met Yunho’s as his heart beats erratically wondering at the reason behind the other action.

“There you go… you got an eyelash on your cheek,” he levelled his gaze back to Jaejoong, realizing the other staring at him. No words exchanged between them. They just stare into each other eyes, finding their own reflection in it.

Yunho’s eyes captured by the sight of the plump red lips meanwhile Jaejoong starts to aware their close proximity and evade his gaze while biting his lower lips.

“Don’t do that…” Yunho’s thumb slightly pressed against his lower lips, releasing it from Jaejoong’s own abuse. Their mind clouded by sudden desire, gazing longingly into each other soul. Yunho’s thumb slightly caressed Jaejoong’s reddened lips. He dived down closer until their lips touched. The kiss was innocent in the first minute but then lust taking over, their kiss slowly become demanding.

Yunho further pinning Jaejoong down onto his mattress while he hovered over the other.  Just like the first time he found Jaejoong, he feels the other was enticingly beautiful. Now Jaejoong is more beautiful with his smouldering eyes and lips glistened and reddened from the effect of their kisses and Jaejoong’s own abuse.

The dim light from the streets lightly enlightened the room, emphasizing Jaejoong’s beautiful complexion. He caresses the line of Jaejoong’s face from his dark hair until his chin.

“Yun-ho…” Jaejoong stuttered as blush creeps on his pale cheek. Jaejoong knew where this situation would lead him to. He still remembers the time when he joins his friends to their house. Some would lose their mind enough to suggest them to watch porn. He was curious for the first time but then he find himself disgusted by the act and ended up spending his afternoon nap on his friend’s bed while the others spending their time jerking off.

A loud bang on his door woke Yunho up, “Oppa!! Dinner’s ready!!” Jihye’s voice echoed from behind of the door. Surprised and froze with fear of being caught in the situation they’re in, Yunho hurriedly pull himself away from Jaejoong, trying his best to hide his blush while Jaejoong hurriedly tidied his clothes.

“Come… let’s have dinner…” Yunho extends his hand regardless of the awkwardness and embarrassment he is feeling. Blushed but aware of Yunho’s embarrassment, Jaejoong sheepishly smiled and places his hand into Yunho’s.

Putting a long sigh, Jaejoong gazed far above the sky while sitting on Yunho’s bed by the window. He brought his hand up, slightly touching his lips, recalling how Yunho touched him last night. Blush starts to shade his cheek again.

He heard today Yunho and Jihye joined the group of villagers ploughing their land and preparing for planting season. Leaving him and Yunho’s mother Eunhye in the house, he wanted to join them but Yunho rejects the idea and firmly state that he is not suitable with the job.

He laid himself on the bed, feeling the soft breeze accompanied with soft tingle from the wind chime. A sudden loud clanking coming from outside of the room shocked him, he remembered that Yunho’s mother having a bad health condition. Worried if the lady’s sickness strikes her, he went outside to check on her conditions.

“Are you okay?” Jaejoong rushed to her side after he spots the lady slumping herself against the kitchen cabinet while groaning in pain. He took the lady to her room and laid her on the bed. Panicked and scanning for external injuries, he found none of it. Instead Mrs. Jung holds tightly onto her head while she winced in pain.

“Mrs. Jung, do you have any medicine?”

She shook her head. Having a medicine is a luxury. It costs too much for villagers like them. “Don’t worry, it will go away soon…” said Mrs. Jung in her shaking voice obviously trying to suppress her pain.

“I-I will try to find something in the kitchen.” Jaejoong make his way. Failed to find any pain killing herbs that his grandfather mentioned to him aside from peppermint and lemon, he decided to make herbal tea.

“Mrs. Jung here, it’s tea, I hope it could relieve the pain a bit,” he gave the cup to her after she sat herself.  After drinking a cup of the warm concoction Mrs. Jung back to her rest. He took a mental note to asks Yunho about his mom’s sickness so that he won’t be so clueless to help her when need.

“We are home!!” Jaejoong heard the familiar voice greets from the front door. “Umma!?” Jihye rushed to the kitchen only to found Jaejoong smiling back to her. She rolled her eyes heavenwards, showing her obvious distaste towards him.

“Where is umma? What are you doing here? Stealing?” She asked in a rude manner. Jaejoong’s smile disappeared. He laid his gaze down the floor, feeling hurt from what she had blurted to him. “She’s in her room; getting her rest… Mrs. Jung nearly fainted this afternoon.”

Jihye’s eyes widened as big as the size of a saucer. She ran to her room and calls for her mom anxiously. “What’s happening here?” Yunho came in.  He heard Jihye’s hateful remarks towards Jaejoong and decided to talk with her about it. But her anxious call stopped his intention instead he worried about his mom now.

“What’s wrong?” he turned to Jaejoong. Jaejoong shook his head, “Go to your umma, she’s not feeling well this afternoon. I gave her some tea for her pain but I don’t know if it works,” he pushes Yunho towards Eunhye’s room.

“Umma? Are you okay?” He entered the dimly lit room and saw Jihye crying on their mom’s thigh.

“Yunho-ah, I’m feeling better. Jaejoong’s tea seems to have did the magic,” she sounded cheerful.

“Umma~…” Yunho come closer to her. “Don’t force yourself. Tell us if you’re not feeling well. Don’t hide it. It only makes us sad.”

“Yunho-ah, Jihye-ah… I’m really feeling okay and say sorry to Jaejoong would you? He nearly had panic attack when he saw me earlier.” She taps on Yunho’s hand and gave him a wink.

Yunho smiled contently, feeling relieved with his mother acceptance. Now if only he could make Jihye accept Jaejoong too, it would be great. They heard a soft knock on the door and turn only to meet Jaejoong bringing a tray of food.

Feeling everybody’s attention on him, Jaejoong stuttered. “Emmm… I brought some porridge for Mrs. Jung, just in case that you still feel not well enough. So I wonder if you want to have it in your room or…?” Jaejoong aimlessly pointed outside.

Eunhye and Yunho exchanged gaze between them before she chuckled “I’ll have it here since Yunho might want me to have more rest,” she winked at Jaejoong. Smiling contently for having her approval, Jaejoong walks closer towards her and places the tray on her thigh. Jihye still stares at him with hateful gaze.

“I made some porridge for easier digestion and some side dishes to go with it. I hope it suits your taste…” He sandwiched his hand together hoping she like the taste. Somehow he felt like daughter-in-law trying to impress the mother-in-law.

Eunhye took a spoonful of the porridge into her mouth and immediately love the taste. There’s some mild sweetness and crunchy taste inside the porridge making some difference with the usual porridge they had.

“Mmm, this is lovely and the side dishes too.” She compliments, she is quite impressive with Jaejoong’s cooking skill. Jaejoong’s tensed expression now breaks into lovely smile. “Glad that you love it, I added some chestnut to add more nutrition and some herbs into the dishes to increase the flavour and nutritional value also I made some peppermint tea to ease your headache.”

Jaejoong stopped when he realized three pairs of eyes looking at him intensely. He closes his mouth and look at the other three. “I-I guess I talked too much.” He silenced.

“N-no you didn’t… just that you talked too much things that we don’t understand. You see only small number of people that able to enjoy the privilege to be educated. I hope that you understand that we didn’t mean to make you feel rejected.” said Eunhye in her soft tone.

She extends her hand and softly caresses Jaejoong’s soft black hair. “You’re one of my children too like Yunho and Jihye, so I hope that you will tell us more about yourself. Don’t hold yourself back if you need someone to talk to, I’ll be happy if you’re not reluctant to talk to me.” Eunhye beamed with a heart-warming smile that reminds Jaejoong of his own mother. Warm tears glide down his cheek as Eunhye wiped the tears away using her wrinkled hand.

“Thank you…” he murmured his gratitude. He never thought that acceptance is such a meaningful thing in someone’s life. Suddenly a growling stomach interrupting their moment, three pair of eyes focused on the direction and a sheepishly smiling Yunho while scratching his non-itchy head was found on the spot.

“Well…you know the call…” he shrugs. They burst into laughter simultaneously except for Jihye, laughing half-heartedly. She couldn’t believe that her mom would simply accept him. It’s getting obvious to her, the way Jaejoong staring at Yunho and the way her brother staring at Jaejoong. Their gaze both screams “attraction”.

“Get clean first then dinner, I’ll heat the food.” Jaejoong pushed Yunho out from the room.

When the boys’ voice becomes distant, Jihye turns to leave but her mother’s voice stopped her. “Jihye-ah, I know you don’t like Jaejoong but give him a chance. He already had a hard time. Don’t make things harder for him, okay? Practically he is your oppa too, be nice and don’t be rude because I didn’t teach my children to be bad, okay? Jihye-ah?” Eunhye demands for a reply from her.

She reluctantly nods her head. “Jihye, say it out loud. I want to hear it from you.” This time Eunhye demands in her stern voice. “Okay, I’ll try but I can’t promise. He is still an outsider compared to Soonmi.” Jihye left after leaving her mom in bewilderment. Eunhye shook her head at her daughter stubbornness.

Jaejoong was drying his hair while letting the winds blown into his and Yunho’s shared room. He feels happy for what happened today minus the part Eunhye collapsed due to her sickness. Aside from that everything is perfect, he just hope that Jihye would be a little less hating him.
Nothing light the room except the brightly shine moon, Yunho approaches the bed once he entered the room, spotting Jaejoong in his cheerful mood.

“What made you so happy?” Yunho scooped the paler male into his arm, wrapping his arm around Jaejoong’s waist and places his chin on the other shoulder from behind. An obvious contrast between the size of their arm and colours of their skin makes Yunho amused but he keeps his silence instead of making any comments on it.

“Everything… I guess but Jihye hates me and I don’t know why,” Jaejoong excited at first but turn moody in the end.

“Maybe she still wasn’t used to your presence, I’m sure she will adapt sooner or later.”

“Hope so…” Jaejoong sighed. They enjoy each other warmth. Jaejoong laid himself on Yunho’s chest while the other had his chin on his shoulder.

“Yunho-ah, what is your umma’s sickness?” asked Jaejoong while fiddling with Yunho’s finger like it’s a normal thing to do.

“Why do you ask?” Yunho frowns while slightly taken a back.

“I’m just curious during my time different sickness has different way to handle it, so I’m wondering if it will works for your umma too.”

Understanding Jaejoong’s good intention, Yunho decided it might be a good try since he also had tried everything to cure his mother’s sickness but none works.

“She sort of had asthma during her childhood. But it was cured by the time she’s married to my father. After she had Jihye, her asthma came back and it getting worst since then and she had terrible headache after my father’s death.” Yunho explains while Jaejoong listening to him. There’s some sadness, anxiousness and fear mixed in his voice which Jaejoong manage to detect.

“It must have been hard for you…” when he realized, he found himself within Jaejoong’s arm, lying against Jaejoong’s chest. The sound of Jaejoong’s beating heart calms him, he closes his eyes and hummed a respond.

“Hmmm… I’m tired.” Sleepiness slowly taking over his system, then he feels Jaejoong laid him down and cover their body with a thick blanket.

“Good night Yunho.” Jaejoong’s airy voice reached into his ears but he only manages hummed to response.

o-o-oSweats forming on his milky white skin as he continuously stir the content in the pot, his eyes and mind concentrates on making his herbal cough syrup. He wipes the trickling sweats using his sleeves because he is too busy to get a towel.

His hard work started from picking the herbs, cleaning, drying and cooking. The pile of reddish gooey mixture is his blood and sweats. He off the stoves and let the mixture cooled before the brewing process which usually takes few days but the longer the syrups is brewed the better it will be.

The reason why he is preparing a stock of herbal medicine is for precautions. In case there’s emergency case and he needs them immediately, who knows when danger comes.

Absorbed in what he is doing, he fails to notice the watching pair of eye. Healthy radiance of the pinkish cheek, pale skin, dark hair, and expressive pair of doe eyes, red plump lips and glowing sweats slowly trickling down from Jaejoong’s slightly damped hair and disappeared deeper into his shirts. Yunho’s eyes glued on the little details, his Adam apple slowly blobs up and down, losing his words… when he realized, his eyes already glued on the other figure. He stoned at the kitchen entrance, watching Jaejoong moving swiftly around the kitchen.

Absorbed in watching Jaejoong, Yunho failed to notice another pair of eye staring suspiciously at him; Eunhye looks back and forth from Jaejoong to Yunho several times until she decided to break her son’s trance by faking her cough, “Enjoyed the view?” She wiggled her eyebrows at her astonished son.

She hid her smile and proceeds entering the kitchen. “U-umma…” Yunho stuttered. “Oh, Yunho-ah,” Jaejoong beamed a beautiful welcoming smile at Yunho, still oblivious with the fact that the other had been staring at him since 15 minutes ago. “H-hi…” Yunho stuttered, feeling slightly anxious.
Jaejoong frowns at first but the knit on his forehead gone when Eunhye interrupts. “Jaejoong-ah, what are you making?” Eunhye tiptoed peering into the pot.

“Cough syrup.”

“Cough syrup?” Eunhye sounded slightly disbelieved. Jaejoong nods, “Ehmm.”

“Wow, I never knew that cough syrup can be homemade.” said Eunhye sounded amused.

“Now you know it’s possible…” said Jaejoong with slightly playful tone. “Well, it’s still not finished though, still need some ageing before can be consumed.” He continues. “Hmm... I’m glad having you in the house, it makes me feels secured. If something happens at least we have someone who is knowledgeable,” said Eunhye as she softly taps on Jaejoong’s upper arm.

“Anyone’s hungry? I bought some tasty grilled pork from the market,” Eunhye brought the nicely wrapped grilled pork to their eye levels. Their salivary glands tickled as their mouth starts watering.

“It will go great with preserved radish that I made few days ago.” Jaejoong clapped his hand and starts looking for the container that he used to preserved the radish. “I-I will prepare the table,” said Yunho and immediately work on his way. “I will slice the meat.” Eunhye walked to the chopping board.

“Oh yeah, Jaejoong-ah where’s Jihye?” Eunhye looks for her daughter. Jaejoong paused and turns to Yunho with a questioning gaze.

“She’s with Soonmi, probably will be having lunch with Soonmi’s family so don’t worry, just save some for her.” Yunho answered. “Oh…” Eunhye nods, then she spots Jaejoong’s slightly soured expression. She smiles knowing what plays in his mind when he heard her mentioning Jihye.

“Don’t worry, she’s a good girl. One day she will accept you as the member of this house,” said Eunhye’s voice soothing Jaejoong. Jaejoong briefly smile to her, feeling relieved with Eunhye’s assurance and also Yunho’s assuring smile when he gazed to him.

“I made some kimchi and preserved cucumber too,” Jaejoong swallowed his bitterness and tried to sound cheerful. “Oh! That sounds yumm~!” Eunhye complimented. Their lunch accompanied by laughter and chatter. From their conversation, Yunho discover another side of Jaejoong.

The cheerful talks continue as the kitchen filled with laughter, Jaejoong and Yunho did the washing while Eunhye sitting on the table enjoying a cup of herbal tea specially brewed by Jaejoong according to her needs. Since Jaejoong helps her by prescribing some herbal medicine, she’s feels better every day. Her migraine didn’t come as much as it was, so did her asthma. She feels like back being young again.

The chats stop when they heard a vigorous knocks on their door. They glanced at each other before answering the door. “Eunhye-sshi!!!” A tear stricken lady around her early thirties jumped into Yunho’s mother arm the moment the door was opened.

“Seohyun, what’s wrong?” said Eunhye worriedly. She threw a helpless look at the two while comforting the lady in her arm.

“My son, h-he’s sick... he’s still okay this morning b-but he didn’t wake up when I came into his room to change him few minutes ago…” her sorrowful cry echoed in the room. Eunhye turns to Jaejoong. Jaejoong nods before she could request for his help.

“Let’s see how Junsu condition first…” Eunhye and Seohyun back to her house.

“I’m packing the herbs, could you help me fill the syrup into this bottle?” Jaejoong shoved him a glass bottle. Yunho nods, complying.
Yunho and Jaejoong walks to the lady’s home which took them five minutes’ walk. The front door was opened obviously waiting for them coming.  A man presumably Junsu’s father pacing in the living room of the house, his face relieved the moment he spots them at the door. “Welcome…” He dashed while welcoming them. “Your mom is in Junsu’s room.” He escorts them to a door with a blue dolphin plate with ‘Junsu’s room’ written on it.

He opens the door and let them entered his son’s room, a pale young boy around his twelve or thirteen laying on bed and sometimes coughing heavily. The mother sobbed sorrowfully while Eunhye tries to comfort her at the other side of the bed.

“May I?” Jaejoong gestured to the boy. The father gave a nod as permission. Jaejoong touches the boy forehead trying to get his temperature, since there’s no thermometer he only have a wild guess of the boy’s temperature. At the touch of the cold soothing hand, Junsu slowly awake from his sleep. He saw a stranger holding him endearingly like his mom always did to him. “Umma~?” Junsu’s hand flapping randomly in the air looking for his mom, the lady ran to her son’s side and hold on his hand, whispering comforting words to him so did the father.

Jaejoong briefly smiles, “Junsu-ah, can you hear me?” Jaejoong asked with a soothing voice and received a nod from the other as relieves washed over him when the other could respond.

“Junsu-ah, could you open your mouth please?” Jaejoong took some time examining Junsu’s condition before deciding which medicine suits him best. He smiles and caresses the boy’s forehead after he finished.

“I will give you something to soothe the fever and there’s slight inflammation in his throat probably due to the high temperature he is having.” said Jaejoong.

“Here’s meadowsweet tea, brew it and give him a cup after food every morning, lunch and dinner, a spoon of this cordial for his throat along with the tea. Tell us the condition after two days,” said Jaejoong with a friendly smile to the parents.

Seohyun and her husband gazing worriedly at Eunhye. “Don’t worry, everything will be fine. Trust me.” Eunhye give her words to the couple. They were about to leave when the couple suddenly stops Jaejoong. The husband pull Jaejoong’s hand and places a few gold coins in his hand. “The payment…”

Jaejoong surprised by his action. He turns to Eunhye and Yunho but only receives a smile from them. Jaejoong turns back to the man and his wife. “It’s okay… mmm…” “Kim- my name is Kim Dongwoon.” The man introduces himself.

“It’s okay Kim Dongwoon-sshi, keep the money and come back to me after your son is cured, and then I’ll accept it.” Jaejoong pulls his hand from Dongwoon’s grasp and places the coins back into his palm. “Buy some nutritious food for your son, he need them the most at this moment. I shall take my leave now. Good day Kim-sshi.” Jaejoong leaves with Eunhye and Yunho.

Dongwoon and Seohyun give them a deep bow. Just one word of assurance from Jaejoong have eased them so much, they need someone to say that their son will be okay. In their village it’s usual to have cases of children died due to fever and that is what they fear the most from happening to their only child.

“You could have take the money and buy yourself something instead of giving them back.” said Yunho. Eunhye gives her son a sharp glance while Jaejoong had his jaw dropped. “I-I can’t! Don’t you see how the couple doing? They looked so worn out. They need the money to buy food more than I do, besides I need to make sure that their son is cured before I could accept any payment.” Jaejoong explained. Eunhye nods numerous times agreeing with Jaejoong.

“Okay… okay, chill… I’m just suggesting besides it’s good to know that you’re not someone that taking advantages on other’s miseries,” said Yunho with a satisfied smile. “Evil...” Jaejoong land a playful punch on Yunho’s side. “You love me...” Yunho playfully replied before landing his arm around Jaejoong’s shoulder.

Eunhye smiles while watching the two playful youngsters. Her life has been more cheerful with Jaejoong’s arrival in the family. She could tell Yunho’s growing feeling towards Jaejoong is not simply a friendship but more. She only waits until both of them come out to her and she will give her blessings. The main problem will be Jihye. She has been supporting her best friend Soonmi in her crush towards Yunho. But boy… she gave birth to a very insensitive son as Yunho still didn’t realize the girl is having crush on him. Thinking of the occurring problems, Eunhye slightly shook her head and pinch her temple.

“Eunhye-sshi, are you alright?” Jaejoong worriedly held on her shoulder.

“Just a little sleepy…” Eunhye lied to him. She couldn’t tell him what really playing in her mind. “You’ll have your rest then, I’ll prepare dinner.” said Jaejoong chirpily. “Let’s go to the market then…” Yunho suggests pulling Jaejoong’s hand in his. Light blush creeps on Jaejoong’s cheek realizing Yunho holding his hand tightly.

“Oh, just go you two.” Eunhye chuckled and pushed them away.

“We’ll be back~” Yunho playfully waved to his mother. Eunhye chuckled while shaking her head then she walks head back home.

Jaejoong eyes curiously observe his surroundings… the market of course. It’s not like what he imagined… a total classic like the one he saw in medieval concept movies. But it quite modernized with presence of several electrical appliances. He spots a huge wind turbine slowly rotating its blade to produce electricity that powered the whole village.

“What do you think?” Yunho asks, Jaejoong raised his eyebrows, couldn’t get him. “Of what you see of course… well what do you think of my village?” Yunho gestured to their surroundings.

“Mmmm…” Jaejoong hummed, looking for words that perfect to describe his thoughts.

“Beyond imagination… quite far from what I had imagined…” said Jaejoong while eyes still roaming around to see what can be added to their dinner menu.

Yunho chuckled, “So do you like it?” he curious, hoping the other would say ‘yes’.

Jaejoong read through Yunho, he nodded few times as tint of mischievousness starts to coat his speech. “Nope… it’s wet… humid… smelly and stuffy to my taste…” he grins.

Yunho jaw dropped a little, but soon he spots the glint of mischievousness in Jaejoong eyes. “Hey! Not funny!” he exclaimed and landed a playful punch on Jaejoong’s shoulder. The other continued to laugh his ass off, finding the other shocked expression very hilarious.

“Yeah… yeah… yeah… laugh more… ha… ha… ha...” Yunho remarked, sounded slightly hurt by Jaejoong words.

“Sorry… just have the feeling to tease. The truth is…I think I will love this place… b-because it’s the place where you grew up… a-and personally I think it’s a good place…” Jaejoong cleared his throat while eyes wandering elsewhere except Yunho. Yunho smiled sheepishly, his eyes never left the beauty even though he knows the other feels awkward by his never leaving gaze.

“W-what?” Jaejoong gathered his courage to meet Yunho’s gaze. Yunho chuckled finding the other amusing him. He then shook his head and took the other hand into his, pulling the other with him.

“Let’s buy our ingredients and return home…” said Yunho.

Jaejoong blushed but return Yunho’s touch. He feels grateful with Yunho’s presence… which unknowingly always give him strength to stay in this too foreign world. The two continue scanning the stores for needed ingredients without realizing two pairs of eyes watching them from certain distance.


yunjae fanfics, fic: the once blue sky, type:yaoi, genre:romance, genre: sciencefiction

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