Sacrificium-The Sacrifice Chapter 1

May 26, 2014 23:31

Chapter 1

The freezing cold wind blew, swirling on the land forming little spiraling winds, the rustling sounds of dead leaves adding to the eeriness of the night.  The bloody red moon shone at its full marking the end of everything.

A figure stood in middle of the dried field of nothingness. The land is dying…the bloods and wars have been poisoning the land until nothing could grow not even weeds. She stood there, closes her eyes…listening…to the weeping land, the wind’s carrying messages from corners of the land whispering their sadness. She listened to every whisper...sigh…sadness…and death.

Then she opens her eyes as a drop of tear rolled down her porcelain cheek, landing on the sandy earth and sipped down in matter of seconds.  She spread her arm wide and closes her eyes. Her lips murmured the forbidden enchantment summoning the Gate from its original place to her front. Finished with the enchantment she slowly opens her eyes and met with an eerie looking humongous door. The the door is opened wide at the price of her sister’s blood and life.

She took out the blade she stole from her lover; reminiscing the beautiful and bitter moment they have gone through together. She shuts her eyes tightly. How she wished that she and Yunho could be together but she couldn’t be happy while leaving her people in miseries.
More tears escaped from her beautiful doe eyes, “Yun…Yunho-ah, sorry…I’m sorry…I need to do this” She choked her sob standing in front of the Gate of Infernum, surrounded by demons who came out from the door.

They stared down at their prey. Poisonous mucus and saliva dripped onto the ground and sizzled. The air turns deadly. No beings could survive if they breathe in the air. The demons stood still waiting for her next move, there’s nothing they could do to approach her. The scents of their Prince are too strong on the mortal’s body and a strong shield formed around her had separated her far from their reach.

Not wasting more time and determined with her decision, she starts her sacrificing rituals. An enchantment from the lost magic was enchanted while her hand slowly brought the blade to her chest. The tip of the blade made contact with her skin, cutting through the flesh as more force was given. The blade makes its way deeper and deeper into her flesh until it reaches her heart.

She gasped as the coldness of the blade piercing through her and bloods slowly came out from the corner of her lips. But with full of determination she continues her enchantments, using her last force she opens her eyes only to caught the glimpse of her beloved shouting her name and slash through his path. She stretched her arm trying to reach him, calling his name using her last breath ‘Yu…n….ho…I’m…’


“Krrrinnnnggg……Wake up Joongie! Wake up Joongie!” the little coo coo doodle doo shouts waking its owner up. Jaejoong shots his eyes open while his arm reaching up in the air as if he was trying to reach for something. Huge pearl of sweats forming on his forehead, he feels suffocated and took a deep breath to ease his breathing. He pulls himself up, stared at his sky blue wall. Eyes scanning the soft blue and white decorated room while his mind wandering to elsewhere. He tries to recall his dream but he couldn’t remember any of the details.

It’s Time to Wake Up! Wake Up Joongie! Wake Up Joongie! It’s Time to Wake Up!

The screaming alarm clock pulls him out from his reverie. Jaejoong turns and reaches for the alarm clock turning it’s off. But soon his mind starts wandering into deep thoughts again not realizing someone pounding on his door.

‘”Tok tok…tok tok...” after two knocks, Jaejoong is still not responding. Then suddenly a loud bam was heard from his door making him jump off his bed and landed on floor with his butt on “ouch!” he yelped in pain while eyes widen as an owl, rubbing his butt. A tapping foot caught his attentions; slowly Jaejoong lifted his chin up to meet with Heechul’s warning gaze.

“Okay…sleepy boy, get your butt off the floor and go wash up or I gonna kick you and your ass to the South Africa, pick one” announced his older brother, Heechul with both of his hand on his waist while tapping his right foot impatiently onto the floor. Then with a sweet smile Jaejoong answer “The first one please” and he dashed to the toilet leaving Heechul shaking his head looking at his little brother antics. Heechul walks back downstairs to continue his morning duty waking the next sleeping dolphin up.

The sounds of plates and cutleries clanking against each other resonated in the house; making the homey feeling filling the place they called Home since past six years. Heechul smiles in satisfaction as he just loves the atmosphere. Smells of breakfast, freshly toasted bread, aromatic coffee and the sizzling sounds from the pan, nothing can satisfy him more than freshly made breakfast, the best way to start his day.

Heechul tiptoed, sneaking into the kitchen making sure the person who is busy preparing breakfast didn't aware of his presence. He slowly sneaks his arm around the other waist and tightens his arm around the person from his back.

“Good morning Kyuhyun-ah!!!!!!” Heechul greets loudly. Surprised by Heechul’s sneak attack Kyuhyun accidentally lost his grip on the frying fan. Heechul quickly snapped his finger freezing the frying pan and its content in the midair. Then he snapped his finger for the second time and everything back to its place. Heechul proud of his job not realizing Kyuhyun stares at him.

“What??” Heechul replied to Kyuhyun’s warning gaze at him. “You should stop the whole pickaboo thingy, luckily I’m not Junsu hyung if Junsu hyung, he might blow up the whole kitchen and there goes our breakfast” Kyuhyun paused for a while contemplating then he continues “…and kitchen”.

“I just want to show my love to my lovely brother that’s all” announced Heechul sulkingly with additional pout. “Hyung, you should revise the meaning of love in your dictionary.” says Kyuhyun while turning the gas on again and continues flipping the content.

“Yah…you’re so evil to me” Heechul pouts and folds his arms on his chest. “Aigoo…my sweet big brother I’m not evil, it’s how I show you how much I love you” said Kyuhyun with an evil grins mimicking his elder’s.

“Yah!  It’s you are the one who supposed to revise your dictionary.’ Heechul counter attack by tickling Kyuhyun on his waist. Both of them laughing and running around the kitchen like playful pups when suddenly a loud thud was heard and grabbing their attention.

‘Ouch! My head’ the familiar melodious voice yelped in pain. Heechul shook his head and went for emergency box in the top cabinet near the refrigerator. Meanwhile Kyuhyun went over to his Joongie hyung to have a look on his injuries.

It's one of their daily activities, to have Jaejoong ramming his head onto walls especially in the morning. There are numerous series of his clumsiness like missing his step at the staircase or tripped over nothing or his own foot while walking. And they described this disease of his, Jaejoong’s ‘Clumsy’ cell…he just dream walking…well…that’s how they said it in the “Kim’s way”

“Hyung if this situation of yours continue, you can’t see your beautiful face anymore. It’s covered with bumps, you know.” Kyuhyun put some pressure on one’s of Jaejoong’s bluish head bump. “Ouch!!! That’s hurt!” Jaejoong slaps Kyuhyun’s arm.

“I’m not asking myself to get hurt every morning, blame the wall.” Jaejoong pouts. Surprised by his hyung stupid remarks Kyuhyun replied “Hyung, that wall never moved from that spot ever since we moved into this house, it’s always been there hyung!” Kyuhyun desperately tries to make sense into his hyung’s head but only to receive unsatisfactory pouts from the other.

Jaejoong still insist that it’s the wall’s fault for being in his way. Heechul came with an emergency box. He wet the cotton with disinfectants before applying it on Jaejoong's injured forehead and put a plaster over his wound.

“Done” Heechul pressed hardly on the wounded spot earning another yelp from Jaejoong, Jaejoong pouts looking at his two brother that done nothing except bullying him at starting of the day. Jaejoong hissed over his wound and pulls himself up.

He walks toward the dining table for four while gently caressing his head bumps.  Then a singing voice enters the kitchen, his eyes meet with the other three at the kitchen, they stares at each other. “What? There’s something funny on my face?” said the “My Pace” Junsu touches across his face.

“Let’s eat, the breakfast is ready after I put these on plate, and Junsu hyung, could you help me to take the orange juice from the refrigerator, thank you”  said Kyuhyun while transferring the bacons onto a plate. Jaejoong stood up wanting to help but before he could do anything, Kyuhyun stops him. “And Jaejoong hyung just stay in place, I don't want you to ruin anything in the kitchen” Jaejoong pouts at Kyuhyun’s remarks. “I’m not clumsy in the kitchen.” Jaejoong murmured his complaint while taking his seat.

“Jaejoong-ah, you can pour the orange juice into the glasses if you want” Heechul spotting his brother’s long pout. “I'll do it' said Jaejoong happily. They sit facing each other on the dining table with a picture of their late parents at the end of their right side, decorated with single fresh white rose in a crystal vase stood by the frame.

“Good morning appa…Good morning umma…” They do their daily greetings to their late parents.

“Oh! I’m late” Kyuhyun suddenly announced after caught a glance at the time. “Just put your plate into sinks I’ll help you to wash it” said Heechul, after all he’s working from home. He got ample time to help with the dish washing before starting his daily dose of paper works. Kyuhyun quickly finished his breakfast and put his plate into sinks. “Gomawo, hyung” he grabs his school bag, ran out of their house, on his bike and off to school.

“So…what’s yours plan today? Joongie? Su?” Heechul took a sip of his coffee before flipping on the business page of the papers. “I have morning class today around 10 a.m., I’ll be back by 3 p.m. something because I have discussion with my group mate for our upcoming presentation” Jaejoong answered while putting the cherry tomatoes salad into his mouth. Jaejoong squirms happily at the crunchiness of the salad leafs in his mouth.

“I have no class today so I’ll stay at home; I need to finish an article and tomorrow is the dead line” said Junsu while picking the tomatoes out from his bowling putting it into Jaejoong’s earning the other glare. “Suie! Don’t be picky on your food!” Jaejoong scolds him. Heechul shook his head at the childish act of his two brothers. “I don’t like tomatoes.” Junsu squeaked in defense.

“Jae…you still having that same dream again didn’t you?” asked Heechul with concern to his little brother after spotting the tired look on Jaejoong’s face. He tried not to show his exhaustion physically but it seems he couldn’t hide anything from Heechul.

Jaejoong silently nods. Heechul sighed and wrapped his brother’s hand in his. Jaejoong has been haunted by the same dream since his child, their family conscious of Jaejoong’s gift as a seer but seeing the same dream is not normal. Every time they ask Jaejoong the details of the dream, he couldn’t recall it back.

“Could you remember the details this time?” said Heechul. Jaejoong tries to recall what his dream about again. But then he shook his head giving negative response. He always forgets what his dreams about after he woke up from his sleep. But he sure he keeps on dreaming of the same thing because of the sense of familiarity he felt.

Heechul feels helpless. His brother’s dream sure means something. He feared it means bad omen.

“It’s okay, hyung” Jaejoong beamed him an assuring smile “I’m sure I will get it by the time it appears in reality” Jaejoong continues eating his breakfast, throwing everything related to his dream to the back of his mind. Reluctantly, Heechul let the topic go. There’s not much they could do without knowing anything from Jaejoong.

Junsu just listened to their conversation eyeing on both of his sibling while biting on his toast. Heechul sighed in defeat; he tightens his grip around Jaejoong’s hand.

“Jaejoong-ah, you know how special the blood of our family are? We are different from other family…we’re gifted. Don’t take your dream lightly…please.” said Heechul seriously, reminding Jaejoong over and over again. Heechul knows his siblings might feels annoyed by his reminder but he can’t stop himself from doing it as it is his duty as the eldest of them.

Jaejoong nods. He understands the meaning behind Heechul’s words. During his childhood, his mother as a practitioner of ancient religions had taught him, to never take his dreams for granted. After their gift awaken, for some unknown reason the demons always caught up with their track.

And one day, the demons acted aggressive and launched a brutal attack on their family costing them the life of their parents. Now they hid themselves in a small town called Aria. A small town but equipped with all basic needs, nothing luxury…in a three storey house bought by Heechul with money from his investment in the stock market which now becomes his permanent occupation.

“Okay hyung, I need to go now. See you later” Jaejoong wiped his lips with a napkin and rose from his seat.

He walked across the table to give a peck on Heechul and Junsu cheek before he went for his class. A habit that he developed after the death of their parents, he appreciates and loves his family.

He is not willing to lose any of them even if it costs him his own life in exchange. He got into the car a present from Heechul for his 20th birthday but only have the chance to use it today because its delivery delayed for four months, a flashy red Volkswagen Polo that very much suits his taste.

Heechul said that he needs it to go to campus which located 25 minutes journey on car from their home to the next town. Jaejoong thanked Heechul for buying him a car which he never dreams of. He tried not to burden his elder brother by being demanding because he knows the hardship that Heechul had gone through just to keep their family survived and have a comfortable life like now after they lost their parents six years ago.

Their life had been much improved, Heechul worked as financial analysts. Junsu is writing for a magazine few other publishing company and Kyuhyun worked part time as waiter despite Heechul’s objection which Kyuhyun ignored of. While Jaejoong, he helped tutoring some neighbouring kids at their home every weekends.

Kyuhyun still in high school and in his final year meanwhile he and Junsu studied at the same college but in different departments. Jaejoong studied at music departments while Junsu studied at Literature departments. He had passion toward singing and song composing but never dreamed of becoming a real singer as he still clueless of what to do in the future. For now, he will just go on with his interest until he found what he really wants to do in his life.

Through the dark clouds going down and deeper through the Gate of Infernum; the border that separates Human Realms with a place that all sinned soul are judged and punished  for their sin; the origins of monstrous, vulgar, vicious and ignorant beasts which known as demons. The place was known with different names since its existence, “Tartarus” as in Greek Mythodology, “Infernum” as in the Ancient religion and “Hell” in Human Realms. The existence that being feared by all sinful soul as it will ravage their sanity in a blink of eyes.

Infernum is ruled by the ruling class demons that possessed an appearance closer to human. The classes of demons could be easily distinct by their physical appearance and size. The lower the class of the demons the bigger their size gets. Lower class demons are more vicious as they moved on instincts. They don’t think; all they could feel is hunger.

For centuries since the beginning of the world, only the strongest blood will be chosen as King. And now next to the throne of the current King, Jung Taewon is his own son, Jung Yunho.

The atmosphere in the West wing of the Palace is like its usual, misted by suffocating solemn feeling. It feels as if someone just dead in that wing, the servants and butlers wears black and white like mourners, they cleaned and moved around the wing as quiet as possible with light steps. They don’t want to make the master of the West Wing to throw his tantrum on them because they do their job noisily.

The sounds of heel knocking against the grey marble floor echoed through the hall. From the sounds, the servants knew their master will have his usual visitor. The maids took their own initiatives by going to the kitchen preparing for the coming guest.

A tall young handsome nobleman came into the picture; he walks toward the huge polished oak door and stood in front of it. Not bothered to knock, he immediately twists the door knob eliciting screeching sounds from the hinge. He sighed the moment he spots the wooden rocking chair besides the window pane is moving. His hyung never moved from that spot every time he entered the room.

A pair of sorrowful brown orbs fixed at the falling red snow that reminds him much of the day he lost his love. All he can see that very moment was his blood stained hand and pungent smells of blood filling the air. He cried endlessly while embracing his lover’s cold body, hoping that it will be warmed by the heat of his body. But no matter how hard he tried, none could bring the dead back without paying the price of another life.

Yunho’s hand is fiddling a stalk of white daisy, the flower that his lover always put on her wavy blonde waist-length hair. She always smelt like sunshine to him especially her hair. Suddenly Yunho frowns, how did his lover, Jae once looked like? What he felt when he touched her hand? Embraced her in his arm? Kissed her lips? What did Jae talk to him? Why Jae smiles in his memory? It horrors him how time slowly taking his lover away from him; what left in his memory now is her scents and laughter. Yunho shuts his eyes painfully as beads of tears slip from his eyes. He mourned of his lost for four hundred years and the pain still stings to his heart.

“Hy…hyung…hyung” a concerned voice calling for him gets clearer. Yunho blinks his eyes and wiped the remaining tears off his cheek. He sniffed before turning towards the source of the concerned voice with a fake smile. “Changmin…you’re here” Yunho greets but still surprised by Changmin’s presence in the room.

“Ermm…I’m already in this room like 30 minutes ago” Changmin sarcastically remarked because Yunho is not paying attentions to his surroundings. Yunho let his dongsaeng talks as he’s not really in the mood to talk back. Changmin took his seat on the wing-backed chair in front of the fireplace. He took two blocks of firewood and thrown it into the dying fire to warm up the place.

Seeing the fire wouldn’t reignite, he turns to Yunho and beckoned using his head. “Hyung lit the fire for me please” said Changmin, earning him-self a chuckle from Yunho. “You sure know how to utilize huh…” Yunho snaps his finger while walking towards him, a blaze of blue fire ignited before it turns back the beautiful mixture of orange and red blaze. “Hmm~ now that’s better. It’s cold like sitting in refrigerator here. I wonder why you don’t feel cold.” Changmin shivered while his teeth chattering and palm rubbing against each other to produce heat. “They better come with my hot chocolate quickly before icicle forms under my chin” Changmin rubs his cold chin. He wrapped his arm around himself hoping it could warm himself and turns to Yunho.

Yunho now seated on another huge wing-backed chair next to Changmin, looking solemn. He places the white daisy in a small white crystal vase on the coffee table between him and Changmin. His dried cold finger carefully caresses the white petals.

“Owh its Yunho byun today, you should have told me.” said Changmin being his sarcastic self trying to pull Yunho back into reality. “Sorry dongsaengie, I can’t help myself. Today’s weather reminds me so much of that day.” A weak smile formed on the love-shaped lips. “Reminiscing the past don’t we?” Changmin snickered which he knows Yunho would ignored of.

Soon a knock was heard from the door and with the permission from their master an old butler and a maid rolled in a food trolley into the room. The elder butler bowed to the two masters as sign of respect before he starts to arrange the coffee table with light snacks and some finger food of Changmin’s choice and last but not least a teapot of hot chocolate and red wine for Yunho.

The butler carefully filled in Yunho’s wine glass and Changmin’s mug. He places the teapot and bottle on the trolley and step backwards a few step before bowed respectfully. Yunho carefully took a sip of his wine before continuing their conversation. “What brought you here today?” Yunho slightly shifts making himself comfortable in his seat after opening their conversation. Changmin wrapped his cold hand around the warm mug.
Changmin turns his gaze to the servants that stood still behind them. “There’s something private that I want to talk with your master. Could you all leave the room for the moment?” The servants turn their gaze to their master waiting for his orders.

“Go…” Yunho’s autocratic voice echoed in the room. The servants bowed “ring the bell if you need anything master” the sounds of the creaking hinge once again echoed in the room then followed by a soft thud on the door.

Changmin gulps his saliva nervously, with fear that Yunho would scowl at him. He needs permissions from the Royal bloods if he wants to continue with his plan to further his studies. And he wants to invite Yunho to go with him, to see the outside world instead of hiding himself in that huge palace.

“Hyung…I want to go to the Human Realm.” Changmin determinedly, eyes looking straight to Yunho’s.

To Be Continued

yunjae fanfics, type:yaoi, fic: sacrificium~the sacrifice~, genre:supernatural

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