Chapter 2 - The Once Blue Sky

Oct 23, 2013 11:28

Chapter 2

The sun shines way above the blue sky. There are no clouds lining on the horizon or above the head. A young man with masculine build body dipped himself into the crystal clear clean stream. He emerged from beneath the water. He took a deep breath after holding his breath under water for quite some time.

The sun shone on his back as his back muscles flex when he pulls his wet brownish hair up from covering his face. While he was doing so droplets of crystal clear water slides down his tanned broad back. The coldness of the water works it magic by refreshing his body after walking around the woods looking for herbs and nutritious food for his sick mother. He walked out from the water not bothering to cover his naked glory. He dried himself and redressed with his previous clothes.

He scans around the forest, embedding the traces of old civilizations around him into his mind. The concretes that left from what has been built barely exist as most of them were eradicated by climate change, blown by winds and were covered by vines. He was not really clear of what happened in the past but only from the folklore that were told by the elders in the village. Yunho took the familiar path back into the woods until he meets the certain statue of angel that indicates his village is in the opposite direction from the one pointed by the angel.

The statue helps him a lot in memorizing the woods. He walked ahead. Then he saw the familiar berries shrubs telling him that he is near to the village now. He stopped for a while to gather a pouch of blackberries for his mother before proceeding his way back.

From afar he could hear the loud music from the village. The Flower Festival is starting today as the sign of the second week of Spring when the flowers start to budding and blooming. This festival will last for a week with lots of events prepared during the celebration time. During this festival too, the boys and girls who are entering their mature age would have to chance to choose and get closer to their mate.

But for Yunho, instead of preparing the festival together with his friends, his mother's health is a far more important issue for him and they understand his situation. They live in a community where values of kindness and helping each other when needed were taught since they were young.

The old technology in the past still applied in their daily life with the existence of solar and wind power generated electricity and water system. Stairs have been built up to the top floor of their so called ‘condominiums’ that were built on few gigantic trees aged more than hundreds years until they lost count.

The bridges were hung high above the ground crossing to one another tree to make paths for convenience especially the elderly group. The reason why they chose to build their houses on the trees is to be protected from the wandering. The lands are managed together and when the harvesting season come, each contributing members of the family will be given their share of harvest.

Yunho walks hastily through the crowds. He left his mother in the care of his sister, Jihye, for the whole day. He was worried the fifteen years old girl was too occupied with her activity and forgets about their mother. She is still a playful girl after all. Yunho climbed the stairs and reaches the second branches to the right where their home is. His father built that house alone with little help from his mother when they just married. It is a home that holds sentimental value for his mother after his father died five years ago in a stormy night. He turns the knob only to be greeted by a crushing hug from his sister.

“Oppa!!!” Jihye cheerfully welcoming her brother's return then followed by a timid greeting from Soonmi, Jihye's childhood and best friends who have an obvious crush on him. He threw a quizzical look at Jihye that covered in white powder.

“What are you doing? Where's umma?” Yunho ruffles the girl's hair discarding the white powders probably wheat.

“Umma is in the kitchen. She taught us how to make fried dumplings.” She skips on her way into the kitchen. Yunho frowns. His mother's condition was quite bad when he left this morning.

“How was her body condition today?” Yunho asked Soonmi but received a blush before the latter answer his question.

“She's doing fine after taking her medicine. She only had a little headache that's all.” Soonmi obediently follows Yunho's trail into the kitchen to have a look at his mother's condition. Then he was greeted with a bright smile from his mother which was much to Yunho's relief.

“Umma, how are you doing? I bought lots of herbs and your favourite blackberries for you.” Yunho set the pouch of blackberries and herbs on the table and gives his mother a kiss on both her cheeks.

“I'm doing fine, Yunho ah. You are the one who is exaggerating about my sickness.” Eunhye pinches her son's cheek with protest from Yunho which she ignored.

“Hmmm... smells good. What's for dinner?” Yunho asked his mother.

“Well, you are looking at it.” Eunhye answered her son.

“Aww... dumplings only? I'm starving umma, couldn't you make something decent for dinner?” Yunho put his famous pout at his mother but only received a pinch on his right arm.

“Yah! I thought I'm the one who is sick here.” Eunhye playfully pinch her son for demanding too much.

“Sorry, umma, I was just kidding.” Yunho said with a smile on his face. He like it when his mother being her energetic self.

“Jihye and Soonmi collected enough mushroom today so we'll have tempura and fish courtesy from Soonmi's father. Go wash up, dinner will be ready shortly.” Eunhye ordered her nineteen years old son like a nine years old.

“I already bathe in the woods before returning.” Yunho picked one of the cooked dumplings and pop it into his mouth. But then he hissed and jumped around while fanning his mouth due to the hotness. He failed to aware that the dumplings just came out from the hot pan earning him-self laughter from the others in the kitchen.

“Serve you right. I always told you to wash your hands before picking your food.” Eunhye announced victoriously.

“...and Yunho what did I told you about bathing in the woods? You are not clean. Go shampoo yourself and get fragrant.” She hit her son's bum playfully.

“Yes mom!!” Yunho answered to his mother's order in English that he picked up from old movies line.

Eunhye shook her head at her son's mischievousness. He was still too young when the burden of the family fell on his shoulders after the death of his father. Now he is a responsible young man that ready to have a family soon when he reaches the age of twenty. Whenever Eunhye mentioned about the marriage topic, Yunho always waved her off. It is one of her wish to see Yunho have a family before she died. She sees Soonmi as her potential daughter-in-law candidate adding the fact that she is having a huge crush on Yunho. Soonmi would make a perfect candidate as a good and beautiful wife after she is mature for marriage.


Before the sun peeks from the horizon, Yunho prepared himself to go with other men in the village for treasure hunt in the old buildings. They usually will look for useable gadgets or anything that considered as useful for their daily activities. This time Yunho aims for the certain building that he spotted during his previous hunt. He made a simple sandwich with slices of roasted meat with tomatoes and cucumbers as lunch and wrapped it in a parchment paper before stuffing it into his supply bag with a bottle of water.

He took a small container to pack the leftover dumplings for his breakfast on his way later on. He walked out of the house quietly because he didn't want to wake his mother and sister. Cautiously he strides down the stairs with only the neon lamps to brighten his path. As soon as his foot touches the ground, he took a deep breath of the fresh morning air. The scents of Spring lingers in the air as decorations of the festival were consists of full blooming fresh flowers.

He walked towards the little wooden gazebo at the end of the village by the forest where he and his friends always gathered before they went for some 'treasure' hunt. Realizing he is the earliest to arrive, he sat on the bench planning to have his breakfast while waiting for the others. The coldness of the morning plus the sounds of water flowing in the stream located not far from the gazebo makes Yunho enjoyed his meal very much until a familiar voice breaks the peaceful morning.

“Hyung~~” A familiar overgrown teenager ran towards the gazebo the moment he spotted his hyung sitting on the bench waiting for others to arrive. Not bothered waiting for himself to be welcomed to sit, Changmin set himself beside Yunho panting after the short morning exercise he had.

“Want some?” Yunho offered the half filled container of dumplings.

“Whoa!! Thanks hyung. I haven't had my breakfast yet.” He took the container into his hand and starts popping the contents into his mouth.

“Hhmm...It tastes different than usual. Did aunty change her recipe?” Changmin frowns hard.

“Jihye made it.” Yunho simply answered earning an 'O' from Changmin.

“Hmm~ she still needs a lot of practice before she could make one as tasty as aunty's fried dumplings.” Changmin pop in another piece of the meat wrapped in thin piece of flour.

“Don't say that in front of her, she will kill you because of that.” Yunho gives his dongsaeng a warning look. Not that he is siding anyone but he don't want to be the one who being spat with all the curses and insults from both Jihye and Changmin whenever they fight.

“Roger.” Changmin salutes Yunho like a cadet with serious expression plastered on his face. Yunho ruffles the younger boy's hair as smiles creep over his lips.

Half an hour later, a group of six young males aged from seventeen to twenty gathered under the gazebo. They are the usual partners in crimes during their childhood but after they grown up, all the mischievousness were replaced with maturity and strong sense of responsibilities towards family.

“Let's go. We need to return here before dusk.” Jihoon acts as the leader announced. As the eldest among the group, he feels it is his responsibility to make sure everyone is back to the village safely. And walking in the dark forest at night is not a wise act which Jihoon wants to avoid the most. They marched into the forest and this time they walked deeper and out of their comfort zone. They crossed the stream, went through the thick bushes while hitting the bushes around them to scare off any venomous crawling creatures. It took them four hours on foot before reaching the place they left before.

Signs of tall buildings still can be seen even though it was already covered mostly by moss, ferns and veins. Trees have ruined most of the structures as they grew from inside the building. It is very unstable for more than a person to enter the buildings making the hunter's job the most risky yet profitable job in the market at the moment. They move in pairs and as usual Yunho moves with Changmin. They brought with them their appliances such as hammer, ropes, Swiss knives’, a compass and the most important huge flashlight for each of them. They carried the tools together with their food and water on their back.

“We'll go to that direction.” Yunho pointed to a certain direction following where he feels the building was. This time he determined to explore the certain building that caught his attention from his previous visit. Yunho starts to walk without signalling the younger boy that they are moving. Changmin clumsily follows the other's steps. As if being hypnotized, Yunho's legs and heart make their own moves leading him to the place he had been aiming for from the beginning.

“Hyung~!” The maknae tries to catch up with the elder’s swift movements through the maze of bushes, trees and old building. Yunho's steps stopped the moment he arrived at a certain old red building.

“Hyung~! You are walking too fast.” Changmin managed to complain in between his breath. Yunho did not answer Changmin. His mind was on what he will find in that building.

“So, you picked this building today?” Changmin wet his dried throat by taking a sip from his water bottle while gazing at the moss covered building. Not muttering a word, Yunho makes his way into the building. Something about the building had been intriguing him, tugging him to explore inside the building as if telling him there's something more in store.

Yunho walked into the building without much hesitation. Changmin followed quietly and quickly from behind. The moment they stepped into the building, they were surprised by the firmness of the floor despite the real age and the exterior built of the building. There's not much about the upstairs as they could see through up to the top floor ceiling. Nothing unusual but a slightly ajar exit door caught Yunho's attention.

“Let's get inside.” Yunho whispered to Changmin and made his way to the exit without waiting for the latter to answer.

“You shouldn't be bothered to tell me.” Changmin remarked sarcastically.

“Changmin, lights.” Yunho ordered the younger one. Changmin hurriedly brought the bulky light out and flashed the light around the exit route. Yunho gazed up to look at the stairs and found the building is not as tall as they thought. He asked Changmin to flash the light down and he saw spirals of never ending stairs down to the underground.

“Whoa!!” Changmin wowed in amazement.“That's a long way down.” Changmin said while shaking his head.

“You are not going down there, right? Hyung?” He turned to Yunho but when he saw the determination in Yunho's eyes, he knew the answer straight away.

“Are you kidding me? Of course we are going down.” Yunho steps down his first stair then followed by annoying whine from Changmin.

“Can't you go alone? I'll just wait here.” Changmin said pleadingly. He never fond of scary places and he heard that there's a lot of 'unfriendly residents' in dark places like this.

“We are supposed to move in pairs, remember? Jihoon hyung insisted before we parted.” Yunho shot him a warning look. Changmin groaned in dissatisfaction. He doesn’t want Jihoon to lecture him for letting Yunho going alone. Yunho continues stepping down the stairs, not waiting for Changmin.

“Hyung~ wait for me!” Changmin rushed down, didn't want to be left behind in the dark.

Changmin grabs the hem of Yunho's shirt, trying to follow as close as possible. His eyes roamed at the dark surrounding. They were careful with their steps as the light source was limited. After walking down the stairs only God knows how many hours passed, they finally met with a long hallway. No plants or even tiniest patch of moss grew inside the place. They only spotted several inhabitants like rodent, cockroaches, bats, crawling snakes and centipedes. They walked not knowing where the hallway will bring them until a huge slightly ajar door caught Yunho's attention.

“Let's go and see what's in there.” He pointed to the direction but Changmin didn't catch his direction well. Still following the other closely, they entered the room and found themselves in a huge hall and there's second floor with different gadgets from the old civilization. Changmin's fear creased when he saw all the gadgets. He is not bothered to stick with his hyung anymore. He found himself way up to the stairs and starting his checks on the machine whether it still works while trying to figure out the functions like a five years old energetic child.

Yunho carefully examine the place they are in. since the sunlight couldn't enter the place it is clear from any plants, only some crack on the floor that he was alert with.

“The machines were too big for us to move down the stairs. Could you tell Jihoon hyung to come over and let he decide what will we do with the machines. I will wait here to guard in case there's another group of hunter discovered this place.” Yunho ordered the younger boy.

“Aye, Sir!” Changmin salutes but then he paused “... but hyung, we only have one light.” said Changmin. Yunho dug into his pocket and pulled out a smaller torch light. “Pick one.” Yunho pointed to the small torch light and the big bulky light.

“I think the small one better.” Changmin pointed out his choice and Yunho gave it to him.

“Don't lose it. It's a gift from the others.” Yunho warned him.

“Sir Yes Sir!” Changmin gave Yunho another weird salute he picked up from old movies they found before this. Yunho shook his head watching the younger one leaving the place to get his hyungs. Yunho decided to explore around the room while waiting for Changmin's return.

He pressed random buttons on the walls to see if the power supply still working but much to his disappointment he need to depend on the big bulky and heavy light. Then when his finger accidentally pushes on one of the button, a 'swoosh' sound echoed in the room, alerting Yunho. Scanning around the room with the light he brought with him, he went further until he spots the owner of the previous sound he heard. It is a passage way down to the basement.

With a childlike high level of curiosity, Yunho strode down the stairs heading down and at the end of the floor he found out piles of skeletons probably belongs to those who hid under there during the tragic event that nearly wipe out human from earth.

Then rows of white egg-like capsules caught Yunho's attention. He placed the heavy light down and continues to look around. He picked on one of the old torn clothes and wipes the surface of the capsules to see the content. Much to his surprise and bet Changmin will scream his head off if he sees the content. A hollowed looking mummy stares back at him. It seems the power had failed them, killing the occupants too.

He walked until the end of the room. He saw two skeletons holding hands over the last capsule. It has a number which is no. 26. Yunho walked towards the capsule, the two platinum rings caught his attention but much to his surprise the last capsule is still working. He took the previous cloth and wipes the surface to look into the capsule, careful not to touch the fragile skeletons. He blew the leftover dusts on the surface before taking a good look into the capsule.

Yunho's breath was caught inside his throat as his eyes are staring at one of the God greatest creations, peacefully in his deep sleep. The traces of tears on his cheeks caught Yunho's attention. Completely mesmerized and feeling a bit sorry, Yunho tries to wipe the tears from the other cheeks only to realise his touch meets the glass.

Stunned, he then chuckled at his stupidity. He watches the constant movement of the other's chest, knowing that the person in the capsule is still alive. Somehow he feels if he let the other stays inside, that person will receive the same fate as the others occupants. And he absolutely doesn’t want that to happen. He went back for the light and sets it next to the capsule. He searched for a button that would open the capsule; knowing his lack of knowledge in using technology. He tried his luck by pressing on one of the random buttons located on the capsule.

The airtight capsule let out a 'swoosh' sound as white smokes and cold air escapes from the opening as the cover lifting itself up revealing its content. A beautiful young man dressed in white shirt and skinny pants that wrapped his legs like second skins revealed. Yunho coughed as the skeletons fell onto the ground lifting the dusts into the air.

The boy whom Yunho figured out his gender when he saw the exposed white skin of the other's chest is still in his deep slumber. The soft heaves of his chest and his constant breathing even after exposed to the outer air makes Yunho sighed in relieve. He was afraid that the boy would lose his life because of his brainless act. The boy slowly stirred in his sleep, the sounds of moans elicit from his throat. His eyebrows wrinkled in annoyance and when the senses finally filled his head, he shot his eyes open. He pulled himself up with force while his body still in deep sleep, his muscles have not been used for hundreds of years.

“Umma~! Appa~!” He scanned his surroundings not bothered of Yunho's presence.

“Hey! Hey! Calm down, you are just awake.” Yunho catches the struggling boy from crawling out from the capsule in his weaken state.

“Umma~! Appa~! Where are they?” The boy tightly grips on Yunho's arm leaving red scratches on his arms. Yunho hissed when the boy's nails buried into his skin.

“Calm down and listen to me!” Yunho shook the hysteric boy harshly by tightening his hold on the other shoulders. The tear stricken eyes widen in shock looking straight into his brown orbs. The boy stopped his movement, hiccups elicit from his plump lips.

“I don't know how to say this... but... your parents probably didn't make it. Judging from where you have been staying in, I'm afraid that it is already six hundred years since your time.” Yunho expressed his regrets and tried to explain things in the best way he could.

“No~ you lie to me.” The boy shook his head in denial. He took a glance at the floor only to find the remains of his parents which he recognised from their wedding band.

“No~ this can't be true... they promised me to stay by my side. They promised that we will be together. They can't leave me alone here.” The boy continues to shake his head, his tears fall heavier than before. Sympathised with the boy, Yunho carefully lift him up from the capsule and set him down on the floor where his parents’ remains were. The boy crawled towards their remains with much difficulties and reaches for their hand.

But a heart breaking scene happened when his touch met theirs, their bones crumbled into pieces leaving their rings in his hand. The boy wails in agony in a way that reminding Yunho of what he feels when he lost his father and knowing the fact that his mother got an incurable disease has changed his and Jihye's life. He pulls the boy into his arms, caressing the other's head while tightening his embrace at the same time as he was afraid that the boy will hurt himself.

Yunho bit his lips as he could not say anything to comfort the crying boy that was holding what remains from his parents tightly in his hands. The boy cried in agony and thrashing around using his weak body until Yunho feels the boy whole body weight was once again on him. He pushes the other's bangs aside to reveals the white pale face. Yunho touches the other's forehead to check for his temperature and much to his relief it is normal. The shock must have been too great for the boy. Yunho had no choice but to sit there waiting for others to come.


The village was in havoc when they saw the group of hunters came back with something different this time. It is a boy. The most beautiful being they had ever seen is being carried within Yunho's arms. His friends followed his steps wearing the same quizzical expression as the villagers. Yunho refused any help from the others to carry the boy. Other villagers ran towards them. Their tongue was itching to ask the origin of the beautiful being in Yunho's arm but nobody dare to. Traces of tears along the boy's cheeks making his appearance more enchanting, Yunho strode along the walkway up to his home. Jihye, Soonmi and Eunhye welcomed his return in bewilderment seeing Yunho with an unconscious boy in his arms.

“Umma ~ can you help me to open my bedroom door?” Yunho requested to his mother in whispering tone, obviously didn't want to disturb the sleeping boy. Eunhye nodded. Yunho put the boy down on his bed, covering him with blanket before caressing and wiping the traces of tears away from the other cheeks in the most affectionate manner that even his family never seen before.

“I'm sorry to wake you up... now rest well...” He whispered guiltily to the other before leaving his room. He closes the door to his room before meeting with the quizzical gaze from his family and Soonmi.

“We'll talk in the living room.” Yunho moves towards the living room followed by the three of them. Soonmi tugs on Eunhye's sleeves. She pouts and pointed to Yunho's direction and the boy in his room. She feels threaten by the boy's presence in the house especially after witnessing Yunho's affectionate treatments to the other. Eunhye pats her arm in attempts to calm her down knowing the girl feels insecure with the presence of the beautiful being.
The living room is not much of a living room actually since they had their dining table and kitchen merged with their social space. Yunho sat on one of the seats at the dining with a glass of water in his hand. He had been carrying the boy in their four hours return journey and now he barely feels anything from his hands due to the exhaustion.

“Yunho ah, who is that boy that you brought home?” Eunhye asks curiously while taking her seat opposite of Yunho's followed by Jihye and Soonmi, who sat beside her.

“I found him in one of the ruins... sleeping inside a life capsule. He's probably the only survivor from six hundred years ago.” Yunho fiddled with his glass while the three people in the room looking at him in shock after they heard his remark.

“Could you explain to us more, Yunho ah?” The elders of the village steps into the house with few other elderly ones followed by Changmin and his other members. They probably were brought to his house by the news that spread by the villagers. The villagers probably were crowded outside their house, curious of the boy's origins since they never seen his attire and the white complexion of his skin, because due to the hard work they are doing, it is normal to have tanned skin rather than fair one.

Yunho explained further his finding in the ruins whiles the elders and his family tries to absorb the event calmly. He then paused a while before expressing his thought.

“I'll be responsible of him. I woke him up because I thought he will end up like the other occupants in the capsule if I left him. I couldn't leave him alone in that dark place and let him continues his sleep forever.” said Yunho hoping that the others will understand his act. The elders kept their mouth shut. They listened to Yunho's explanation carefully and understand the boy's action.

“We understand. He may live in this village but you need to take responsible to teach him our way of life. He after all came from the time when the human race was most advanced. Now our people still is looking for the best way for nature and human to live without hurting each other.” The leader also the eldest among the elders voiced out his decision after he discussed with his other members. They left the house and dismissed the people outside the house.

“Thank you very much for your kindness. I will do my best.” Yunho bowed as they leave. The boy's fate pretty much has been decided. “Take him to us after he is awake…there is something that we elders need to talk to him…personally…” The elders left after leaving the last sentence.

Jaejoong sobs, hugging his knees close to his chest. He shuts himself in his world. He couldn't face the world where his parents are not around. The never fading sparkles of the platinum rings added more to his sadness. He clearly told them he's willing to die along them. But Dongwoon and Younha gave him a chance to continue the rest of his life and instead he found himself woke up far in the future where the only left for him is his parents remains and a pair of platinum wedding ring.

Suddenly Jaejoong feels he was wrapped in someone's arms. Making him feels secured. Due to too much sadness, Jaejoong laid himself inside the other's arms not bothering who it belongs to as long as the feelings of security wouldn't fade from his heart. The warmth was comforting unlike the place he stayed before. It always has been cold in there and he was alone. He snuggles against the hard naked chest and sensing something was wrong. He frowned and slowly opens his eyes meeting with a hard tanned warm chest in front of his eyes. He widened his eyes and gazes up to meet with a handsome young man, wrapping his waist with his muscled arms as if it is a normal thing for him to do.

Jaejoong struggles his way out from the other's tight embrace but fails miserably as the other was sleeping like a log. Jaejoong struggles more but it only adding more to his misery when the man pulls him closer to his chest by his waist making Jaejoong yelps at the touch on his sensitive area. He covers his mouth and eyes widen like an owl. The man stirred in his sleep and then he slowly opens his sleepy eyes, meeting with Jaejoong's frightened one.

“You're awake...” The other pulls his face away, scrutinizing at the smaller man and seems oblivious of their body proximity.

“Ermmm... can you... let me go? It's a little too warm for me.” Jaejoong timidly voice out his discomfort. After he was fully awake, Yunho realized what does the other means. Yunho immediately pulls himself up and get down from his bed. Blood rushing to his head making his brain overheat due to embarrassment of their position. He hid his embarrassment by introducing himself.

“My name is Yunho. What's yours?” Yunho turns around and extends his hand to Jaejoong. Jaejoong blinks for numerous times before accepting Yunho's hand.
“Jae...joong, Kim Jaejoong...” He introduced himself.

“Jaejoong... the name suits you...” Yunho flashes his row of white teeth to the other. Jaejoong awkwardly replied with smiles, then he spotted his clothes is different. He is no longer wearing the long skinny pants but changed with thigh level shorts and an oversized worn chequered shirt. Jaejoong threw Yunho his quizzical look after scanning at his current attire. Realising what might be playing in Jaejoong's mind, Yunho nervously explains him-self.

“Your clothes were soiled, so I changed you into my shirts and my sister's old shorts.” The moment Yunho finished his words, he widen his own eyes.

“OMG!!! What had I said!?” Yunho screamed in his mind.

“I didn't take any advantage on you. I just changed you into clean clothes and...And I-I covered my eyes when I'm changing you...” said Yunho with both palms rose in defence.

Seeing the other just blinks, he stopped and asked timidly, “Are you okay with that?” Jaejoong blinks again, he don't understand what makes the other so fussed about changing his clothes.

“We both are guys, right? I have what you have too so does it make any differences?” Jaejoong questioned the other back. Yunho paused, Jaejoong got his point too.

“Yeah, you're right.” Yunho nodding his head and feels relieved at the same time. Then the air got awkward again when the two keep their silence, Yunho decided to break the ice again.

“Err... can you walk? Your muscles have been sleeping for too long, so it needs time before it could return to its full gear but just in case maybe you want to try first.” Yunho asks Jaejoong.

Jaejoong timidly nods. “I'll just give it a try...” he said. Jaejoong get himself to the end of the bed with Yunho's help. Yunho carefully helps Jaejoong's feet to touch on the floor, and then he nods to Jaejoong. Jaejoong hesitantly starts putting his weight on his feet. He managed half way when his knees gave up nearly sending him to the ground if Yunho didn't catch him in time.

“Thank you...” said Jaejoong who blushed in embarrassment while Yunho helps him to sit back on the bed. Jaejoong gently massaged his muscles when a hand stopped him. Jaejoong slowly retreats his hand when Yunho starts massaging his legs for him.

“Thank you again...” Jaejoong whispered only to be heard by Yunho.

“You're welcome...” he winks at Jaejoong making his cheeks tinted by soft pink.

“Oppa~! How long you are planning to laze on... bed.” Jihye barged into Yunho's room without knocking, her mouth hung low at the sight of her brother massaging another man's leg in affectionate way.

“Oppa~” Jihye once again calls her brother forcing Yunho making turns his head towards her direction.

“Ah~! Jihye ah, I will be ready after I get my bath.” Yunho turns his attention back to Jaejoong's feet and continue to massage it.

On the other hand, Jaejoong starts to feel uneasy by the piercing stares from Jihye. He could sense the other disliking him. “Yunho ah...” Jaejoong stops Yunho's hand using his.

“I think it will be okay after some time.” He stares straight into Yunho's eyes pleading for his understanding. But Yunho didn't catch his meaning instead he added fuel into the fire by scooping Jaejoong into his arms and carried him into the bathroom with him.

“Oppa~!” Jihye stomps her foot, “where are you going?” she asked.

“Where else? Into the bathroom of course. We are going to take our bath together.” Yunho said as matter-factly and truthfully. He did not have any hidden meaning like what's playing in Jihye's mind because he thought it will be saving time for them to bath together instead of separately. Yunho walks into the bathroom locking it from inside obviously being oblivious of the threatening aura coming from his sister.

Jihye huffed and puffed her cheeks as smokes bursting out from her ears. She don't like the newcomer at all because she's supporting her best friend, Soonmi, to be her sister-in-law and knows that Soonmi is the best candidate as her oppa's wife. She stomped her feet out from Yunho's room back into the kitchen.


After bath, Jaejoong dressed in his clean white shirts and black pants. Since they can't find anything suitable for Jaejoong's size because Yunho's clothes is far too large for him and Jihye's clothes mostly is woman attire. But he glad that his clothes dried in time saving him from the embarrassment of wearing skirts while being carried all around the village in Yunho's arms. He heard from Yunho regarding the elders or known as the head of the village in his time wishes to see him.

It didn't take him long time to understand the whole situation. They feel his presence is threatening the village. Even though in young age, Jaejoong is considered as genius among his peers. He inherits his parents’ intelligence which makes him more matured. He read through the situation without needing Yunho to explain to him and willing to meet with the elders as soon as possible though Yunho persuaded him that he could go after his body functions normally.

“It's okay. There's something that I want to know more too.” Jaejoong tightens his clutches on Yunho's shirts assuring the other with eyes full of determination.


yunjae fanfics, fic: the once blue sky, type:yaoi, genre:romance, genre: sciencefiction

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