Chapter 1 - The Once Blue Sky

May 12, 2013 04:30

Chapter 1

He laid his body on the artificial grass, looking at the artificial blue sky produced by the glassy semi orb that protecting the city from hazardous gas in the atmosphere. The once blue sky that he saw in his parents photo collections no more can be seen. Now dark solemn grey colour decorates the sky, the air is not safe to be inhaled into human lungs like the olden days. Since his childhood days, he always listened to his parents describe how the outside world once looked like during their childhood days. How they had ran and played freely on the grassy fields with no boundaries. The world he is seeing right now makes the world that his parents described sounds like a fairy tale.

He slowly raised his hand up as if trying to reach the fake blue sky, slowly closing his palm as if gripping it in his hand. Then he closes his eyes and let out a frustrated sigh. He feels bored, bored of being trapped in the semi-orbed place, looking at the fake sky, feeling the prickly plastic grass on his back. He wants to smell the scents of soil and the coldness of the grass whenever he laid his back on the ground.

Then he heard the sliding door slide to the side and his mom’s figure appeared from behind the door peering outside the balcony looking for her only and precious son. “Jaejoongie!” she called using the other nickname. “Yes umma! I’m here!” a figure pulled his body up and looking towards the person who just called his name.

“Jaejoongie~! What did I said about lying on the ground? You will get your allergic later on.” said the mother as her lips formed into grim line and hands on her waist. “Sorry umma~” Jaejoong apologized in a spoilt child tone that he is, a spoilt child of two pioneering scientist and environmentalist Kim Dongwoon and Kim Younha. Younha shook her head at her son. “Come, I bought lunch for both of us.” Younha beckoned to her son. “Really!? I’m starved already!” Jaejoong exclaimed cheerfully. He quickly stood on his feet and walks towards his mother. “Get yourself a bath first or you’ll be scratching like a dog with rabies later on .” said her and pats on her son’s buttocks sending him away while he skipping and giggling as his mom treated him like her five years old son instead of seventeen. But he just loves the attention his parents gave him. They after all always busy with their career leaving him alone with a nanny and butler taking care of his needs.

Jaejoong took a quick bath and by the time he is out from the bathroom he found his mother sitting on one of the high chair besides the kitchen isle. The Chinese restaurant take outs slightly opened probably his mother waiting for him before she re-heats the take outs. His mother sipping a cup of black tea and reading at a research paper, it’s had been three days since he last saw his mom before she went for a conference in another city. He strode towards his mom and took other seats opposite of her.

“What are you reading?” Jaejoong asks curiously even though he already had a clue of what his mother reading. “A research paper by my friend, she requested for me to read it and give her comments before her presentations in the next conference.” She turns her gaze to her son “Do you want to read it?” She referred to the paper. Younha place the take outs in a microwave oven and reheat the food. Jaejoong took a slight glance at the paper then he gives up, academic English is too hard to be understood for him, its make his head overloaded within 30seconds. Sometimes he wondered how his parents could read those without falling asleep.

The microwave’s timer chimed, Younha place the warm take outs on the kitchen isle. Jaejoong reach for the wooden chopsticks and snapped it into two, one set for him and another set for his mom. They close their eyes and thanked the Lord for the food before dig into their food. Jaejoong squirms delightfully at the spiciness of mapo tofu. He loves the spiciness and fragrant of Szechuan pepper and the softness of the tofu in his mouth. It’s melts away the moment he puts it into his mouth.

Jaejoong smiles contentedly at his mom making Younha smiles at her seventeen years old son cuteness. “Glad you love it.” She continues to dig into her bowl. “Did appa called you and tell when he get back? I’m missing him already.” Jaejoong pouts, he hadn’t met his father for more than a week as the said man went for a week outstation in another different city that his mom went to. “Well, he did call me this morning and said that he missed you so much and he said that he will be back by tomorrow if there’s no sandstorm during his way back here.” Younha answered her son. Jaejoong silenced while contemplating. He knows he cannot act like a really spoilt child begging for his parent’s attention but sometimes he feels lonely and really need one. Younha on the other hand understands what the “silence” means; she studied her son’s expression, trying to get what Jaejoong’s having in his little mind.

“Jaejoongie-ah, umma and appa really sorry for not able to be always by your side but you can call us if you feel lonely, I will answer you call no matter what time you call even in midnight or after I get into bed.” Younha trying to ease the loneliness in Jaejoong’s heart, sometimes she wondered whether decision to have only child is a wise decision as Jaejoong looks really lonely and they’re too busy to accompany him, to listen to his ramblings and stories about how his days has been going on. She is sure that Jaejoong would love to have someone to talk to about his day.

“It’s okay, I know that both of you working hard to provide me all of these.” Jaejoong’s eyes scans to his surroundings. Thanks to his parent’s busy work, they could provide him more. He don’t have to worry about financial problem as his parents constantly fattening his account even though he didn’t use the money except for food expenses and pocket money when he goes to school. Sometimes he made himself lunch box which much to be envied by his classmates that thought his girlfriend made it for him but actually his cooking skill just nearing perfect also his beliefs that beautiful food would taste great making him do extra effort on his lunch box.

But he always felt out of this busy world, sometimes he found himself staring at the fake blue sky wishing that it’s a real blue sky. Younha turns to her purse and took out a square blue velvet jewellery case and shoves to Jaejoong’s front. Jaejoong surprised by the presence of the box threw his mother a wondering look. “Your birthday present, I know it is too late for one because of the gold smith failed to prepare it on time like what me and your father requested. It’s custom made, open and have a look” Younha urges him. “But umma, it looks expensive.” Jaejoong dislike the idea of his parents spending a fortune because of feeling guilty for not able to prepare his birthday present on time. “Aha!! About that, the gold smith gave us 50% discount to make up with a month late orders. So we got it at a quite reasonable price.” Younha sipped her tea while beckoning at her son to open the case.

Jaejoong hesitantly open the box and next it reveals a pair of platinum crossed long earrings with two blue sky sapphire embedded in the middle where the cross meets. The design is quite antique and he could see the similarity with the wedding band that his great-grandmother gave to his father. “Umma~” Jaejoong chocked his voice, looking at his mom with the knowing look. “We purposely made it using the same design like our wedding band that you admired so much.” Younha shows the never fading sparkles of platinum band. The sparkles of the red garnet always fascinates Jaejoong even though garnet considered as less valuable than Ruby but the colours of garnet is more beautiful in his eyes.

“It’s beautiful…and look expensive.” said Jaejoong in amazement first then his voice fell two octave low making his mom flinched. Jaejoong always lectured them whenever the parents spent too much money on unnecessary things and one of them he’s holding at the moment. A waffle maker will make a good birthday present for him and it cost a lot cheaper than this two tiny stone and sparkling metal besides he will have never ending waffle supply rather than this inedible stone.

“You’re not happy with it?” Younha’s brows furrowed. Jaejoong sighed; even though he dislikes the idea of wasting such big money just for birthday present he knows his parents just want to make him happy. “Of course I love it very much because it’s from you and appa. I will treasure it.” Jaejoong close the case and reaches for his mother hand. “Thank you for this lovely present and give appa a “thank you” kiss for me, if you meet him before me tomorrow.” Jaejoong smiles to his mom “Of course.” Younha mouthed to him. That time they still oblivious of the limited time they have together.

12th December 2070

The streets were in total chaos after the announcement regarding possible meteorites colliding with earth within three days. The cities would not stand a chance if the meteorites hit on them and possibly breaking the glass orb protecting them from hazardous gas in the atmosphere. The people were trapped and they don’t have anywhere to go. But for Jaejoong nothing change much, his parents busy looking for a solution to save everyone.

“We’re really sorry Jaejoongie.” Dongwoon kisses his only son’s forehead and then followed by his mother Younha. “We have to go first, go to this address after you finished with everything. We will be there.” Dongwoon took a good look of his son’s fragile features. His Jaejoong is quite thin for a boy at his age. Jaejoong bits his lips. “Appa, we will die aren’t we?” said Jaejoong bitterly. Transparent tears rolled down Jaejoong’s cheek and he moves his gaze towards his father looking for security in the other eyes which he found none. “I don’t know son, we’ll just pray.” said Dongwoon bitterly and look towards his wife. “I don’t want to die alone.” Jaejoong wraps his arm around his father’s torso expressing his insecurity. “Don’t worry baby, we will be with you.” Dongwoon kisses his son’s soft dark locks and followed by Younha comforting caresses on Jaejoong’s back.

Reluctantly he let his parents go; it will be the next two days then he follow up with the two. The streets are in havoc, insecurities and fear creeps into everyone’s heart including his. He really wants to follow his parents but the two decided it is better for him to stay and follow them two days later but did not further explain why. Jaejoong softly tugged on his mom key shaped gold necklace that given to him before she’s step out of the door with his father. Jaejoong had a feeling that might be the last he talked heart to heart with his parents. He waved his little good bye to the disappearing figure of his parent’s car. Jaejoong cried in between his knees while pulling it closer to his chest.
Two Days Later
The streets are emptied. Everyone stayed in their home spending their last moment with their families and loved ones. His butler, Mr. Lee offered to send him to his parents place and Jaejoong reluctantly agreed after much negotiation and bargaining from his nanny and the butler himself. “Young master, we’ve arrived” the butler’s voice cracked the silence that building up along the ride. Jaejoong moves his gaze to the red bricked four-storey building. He could see two men guarding the entrance into the building.

“Thank you Mr. Lee for willing to spent some of your time to send me here.” Jaejoong grateful with the other kindness, he should spent more time with his family instead of sending him here. “It’s okay. I’m treating you like one of my own grandchild since they rarely come to see me but I have you by my side that reminds me about them. Good luck, I hope that we will meet again if we have the luck.” said Mr. Lee grimly, thin forceful smile decorating his wrinkled lips. Jaejoong nods “I hope that we have a chance to meet again too.” He steps out of the car and then followed by Mr. Lee opening the car trunk to take out his suitcase containing his clothes and precious belongings that he not sure whether he needs them or not. He gave the old man one last hug before the other retreats from his sight.

He gazes at the not-so-tall building and walks toward the entrance but stopped by the two men. “Mr. Kim Jaejoong?” Jaejoong hesitantly nods after hearing his name. “Your parents is waiting for you.” They open the door and let Jaejoong enter the building. Jaejoong took one last glance of the world he lived in as the once blue fake sky now in flaring red as it nearing dusk and the sun is setting at the horizon. He was lead to a lift and the guard pushed the lowest button into the underground. The trip into the lower ground took 6 long minutes. Jaejoong hesitantly look at the guards, the sunglasses doesn’t helping at all as he couldn’t read the two expressions at this moment. Jaejoong gulps his saliva nervously until the elevator stopped at their destinations.

The moment the elevator opens it reveals a white hallway leading to he don’t know where. They walked and turn a few turns before reaching their destinations. The guards open the door and reveal a huge room with lots of people in white coat roaming around the room. “Jaejoongie!!!” he heard his mom’s voice calling for him delightfully. “Umma!!!” He breaks his dam at last and tears pouring out, running towards his mother. They engulfed in bear hugs for a while enjoying each other presence in their arms. “Where’s appa?” Jaejoong looking into her mother orbs. “He’s over there discussing with his friends.” Younha pointed to the second floor where the huge servers like machines standings in rows and his father talking to his friends while looking at the monitor.

“Appa!!” Jaejoong called for his father. Dongwoon immediately recognized the melodious voice and look towards his son. He smiled assuring and gives the other thumbs up. Jaejoong smiles contentedly after feeling relieved with his parents’ presence within his sight. The sky dusked much to their dislikes, which means only few hours left to spend with their families. The monitors that constantly being observed by his father and his friends actually a satellite connected computers that observed the meteorites. The bitter news is the meteorites did moved a little bit away from their course but Earth still within the path. They’re not sure how large the impact on Earth.

“How long do we have before it hit us?” Dongwoon’s voice echoed solemnly within the huge room. His friend shook his head, barely until the day after tomorrow’s dusk. Dongwoon sighs before he tapped on his friends shoulder. “Go! Have some precious moment with your family.” He encourages his friend. “You too.” His friend tapped his shoulder back. Dongwoon stayed back a little longer staring at the monitor. He ruffles his hair in frustration. He turns his body around looking at the floor of the hall. He hopes everything will goes like what they had planned.

Jaejoong hummed a beautiful melody; he opens the blue velvety case of the sapphire earring. He tightens the stud behind his ear and nervously looks into his reflections in the mirror wearing the dangling cross. “It suits you very much.” His mom’s voice interrupts from behind, holding on her son’s shoulder. “Thank you” Jaejoong looking at his mother reflections. “What made you change your mind to wear this?” Younha wondering as she knows that her son treasured the earring so much that he reluctant to wear it. Jaejoong’s expression fell. “S-so that both of you have the chance to see me wearing it before…you know what?” Jaejoong refused to mention about the uncertain future for them. Younha’s lips pressed into grim line when she heard her son. He must be afraid like she does. She secured her arm around her son, placing her lips against his temple. “Sorry for not being always by your side.” Younha whispered to her son. Jaejoong’s hand holds on his mother’s arm. “Don’t feel sorry, both of you wanted the best for me.”

“You know what?” Younha paused for a while and Jaejoong hummed in response. “Thank you for being our son. I wish that we could spend longer time together rather than eighteen years time.” Younha slowly swayed their body. “Me too…” Jaejoong closes his eyes in his mom’s embrace.  She hummed the familiar melody that she sung when she wants to lulled the little Jaejoong to sleep, memories of his childhood pouring into his mind along aside his mom’s beautiful lullaby. That night he slept in between his parents just like twelve years ago.

The next morning Dongwoon stood in front of the monitor shutting it down. He doesn’t want to know when their end comes, some objects his decisions but most agreed with his decision. They need to save as much power as they could for the next stage of their plan. He then walks out of the hall to his family whereabouts.

Meanwhile Jaejoong staring at the elevator; he wants to see the blue sky for one last time but he is not sure whether it is a wise thing to do at this moment and wanted to ask for permission from his father. But he couldn’t find the said man the moment he opens his eyes this morning. “Jaejoongie?” he heard his nickname being called by his mom. He turns around to meet the same huge doe eyes as his. “Umma~” he softly replied to his mother calls and ran towards her hugging her around her torso. “I want to see the blue sky again. Can I go to the surface and have one last glance at it? Please?” Jaejoong begs. Younha sighed knowing it will be too risky for them to go to the surface right now. The attacks might be coming in any minutes or hours. “We need to ask appa first.” Younha told her son while stroking his hair. But Jaejoong didn’t need to wait long when his father’s voice echoed in the hallway.

“Younha, Jaejoongie, why are both of your standing here?” asks Dongwoon quizzically. Younha turns toward her husband “Jaejoongie wants to see the blue sky for one last time.” said Younha as if begging to her husband to let their son. Dongwoon frowns hard, he sighed as a pair of beady wet doe eyes looking at him beggingly. Dongwoon reluctantly agreed with his precious request. They went to the surface after informing one of his friends with much of the other protests. Jaejoong smiled contentedly when his father agreed with his demand, all he want just a peek at the sky, to embed the bluish colour forever in his mind while wondering whether the real sky would has been the same. The sights of ghostly emptied streets greet them when they stepped out at the rooftop of the building. Jaejoong spreads his arm freely while heads up looking at the sky, he missed the outside world even though it’s man-made.

Dongwoon and Younha sits on one of the benches while Jaejoong still gazing at the sky. “He really loves the sky doesn’t he?” Dongwoon commented to Younha. “I guess we told him too much about the green nature that granpa told us.” Younha laughed at her childhood memories, her choice of career was influenced mostly by her grandfather and father who is a biologist and hydrologist. They always work around the environment and told her stories of once the blue sky. It sounds like fairy tale for her because she was too small to remember what happens around her that time but she always remembers the blue sky and the fresh scents of the green grass that has been there. But for her grandparents and parents it was memories of their younger times and childhood so do Dongwoon as their families was close friends.

They stop when they saw changes in Jaejoong’s expressions. Dongwoon lifted his chin up and what he saw next brought horrors into his sense. “Younha!! Jaejoong!!” He ran towards his son, pulling his hand back into the buildings together with his wife. The sky was marred red; paths of the falling meteorites can be clearly seen. They ran to the lowest floor by foot as they afraid the elevator will fail them.

“Run! Jae run!!” Younha pushes her son softly on the back while her husband guides him at the front. Jaejoong stunned, he still couldn’t accept the doom is nearing them. The sounds of the shattered orb could be heard at their distance. Large pieces of glasses collapse on the buildings and people below it before followed by pieces of meteorites that crumbled into pieces by the atmosphere. Jaejoong shuts his eyes tightly as images of his classmates, friends, neighbours, teachers; everyone that he knows crosses his mind. They took the never ending steps down into the ground and by the time they reach the lowest floor they’re breathless.

“You’re late!!” Dongwoon’s friend called upon them. “The capsules are ready; the only left now is the occupants. I already check the systems and power supply they all works normally. Say your farewell.” He gazes at the little family, he knows it will be a heartbreaking separations. He then left Jaejoong and his parents. Panic has stricken his sense, “Appa? What does he mean? What capsule?” more tears slide down the porcelain cheek.  Dongwoon didn’t bother to explain to his son, instead he pulled the others hand and strode down towards the hall. Looking at his father not answering his question, he turns toward his in crying mess mother. The huge door towards the hall was opened and there they met with another stairs going down.

Jaejoong’s body froze the moment he saw human size capsules lining in the middle of the room. There are not much of them and some of the parents still persuading their child to enter the capsules even though the younger one cried in protest. Jaejoong’s gaze turns to his parents. He felt betrayed. They promised to stay together with him. They stopped in front of a white capsule no.26, numbered based on his birthday. Jaejoong tries to pull his hand out of Dongwoon’s tight grips but fails. The father pulls his son into his embrace and then followed by Younha sandwiching Jaejoong in the middle of their bodies. Dongwoon places a few kisses on his son’s temple and foreheads meanwhile Younha strokes her son’s soft locks.

“Joongie-ah listen, we love you so much that all we what is for you to live. Me and your mom unsure of the future that might lies ahead of you but we will be always with you even though we couldn’t hold you like this anymore. Remember that we always love you and you’re always our pride and precious baby.” Dongwoon places another kiss on his son’s temple. “No! No! No!” Jaejoong frailly hits on his father broad back. “You promised that we will be together~!” Jaejoong sobbed and chocked in between his speech. Younha is speechless and sobbing hardly that she chocked her voice. She had expected this reaction from Jaejoong the moment she heard her husband plan.

“We don’t have much time.” Dongwoon pulls out, he pushes on the green button and the airtight capsule opens itself. He pushes Jaejoong into the capsule with the help from Younha. “No!! Umma! No!! Let me be with you!! Appa!!” He tried to fight the two leaving Dongwoon no choice but to inject him with sedative, Jaejoong slowly weaken but he still manage to muttered out his refusal to his parents.

“ wants to be...with y-you...” Dongwoon laid his son inside the capsule, he and Younha respectively gives their son a goodbye kiss before decided it is time for them to close the capsule as the hazardous air already occupied the building. Jaejoong weakly punch on the glass, while his parents looking into the capsule watching their son with tears pouring down their cheeks.

They hold their hands over their son’s capsule as drowsiness because of the sleep gas and sedatives slowly taking Jaejoong’s consciousness away from them. The last memory that of his parents that Jaejoong registered in his mind are the droplets of tears on the glass of his capsule and their last words that have been mouthed to him

“We love you Joongie...”


yunjae fanfics, fic: the once blue sky, type:yaoi, genre:romance, genre: sciencefiction

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