Synopsis -The Once Blue Sky

May 10, 2013 00:18

Synopsis of The Once Blue Sky

Year2070, a memorable year when MOTHER of NATURE starts to revenge on human populations for their long years of greediness; human digs the earth mercilessly for fossil fuels to generate their economies, kill all Her child; the trees, rivers, streams, animals and plants, pollutes the air with their deadly gas turning the once blue sky to dark solemn grey, kill the rivers with their sickening waste…all the resources depleted and almost none left. The desserts widening its borders, clean waters become scarce. The weather becomes harsh. Everything is part of the Nature Revenge. Living in one of the still standing city, Seoul; Kim Jaejoong(17) is only child of the two famous scientist and environmentalist Kim Dongwoon & Kim Younha. His parents have been working on the solutions to “heal” the broken Nature. Their dream is to bring back the fresh air, blue sky, a grassy field and the green nature back to the people and this time they will learn to live with it instead of killing it like what their previous generation had done but things not going like what they have wanted when Earth were attacked by falling meteorites. Leaving his parents no choice but to protect their precious son, Jaejoong were put to sleep by his parents until ONE DAY he re-opens his eyes to see a different world from where he once lived.

A/N: This one not gonna be long because i have another two on-going fics.

yunjae fanfics, fic: the once blue sky, type:yaoi, genre:romance, genre: sciencefiction

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