Yeah, I'm supposed to be asleep or studying, I know, I know. I really did study for the last hour! What do you want to know about damages in civil suits, or wrongful death actions, or survivability statutes? Because I can tell you all about them, I swear!
Speaking of random lectures, two of my study group friends today were actually intrigued about one of my Mongol rambling episodes, and in fact asked for MORE! People actually asked me to lecture on the Mongols! Oh, happy day! It makes me want to go and re-read all my textbooks for the Mongol Empire class, but I need to study for classes I'm actually taking right now. Grrrr.
Anyway, two reasons for the late-night post before I continue with the studying.
1. My friend told me that some of the things I pointed out to her based on my crazy Colgate drama experiences were things that she wouldn't have noticed otherwise. I seriously almost cried. Things have their reasons, even if they seem REALLY painful and unfair at the time, I guess. I'm only glad I could channel that drama to help someone I care about.
Tonight's iMPACT had some "eh" moments, but overall, I did enjoy it. I don't see why Jeff Jarrett needed that much time on the mic, especially when it was used to lay the groundwork for a JJ/Christian Cage feud in the future. Hello TNA, each of them is already in a feud. Also, remember how I complained about seeing the same four Monster's Ball guys fighting over and over again? Yeah. Abyss vs. Sabu in the barbed wire match had BETTER be the last recap of that match, I swear. I'm getting so sick of it. Sabu has this fascinating character going, but he's really only being used in this storyline to develop Abyss.
I feel really, really bad for the Naturals. The former tag team champions have completely been relegated to dark matches, because there's not enough room for a whole tag team division to be built into a one-hour show. All we ever see are the champions and the current number one contenders (right now, AMW and Team 3D). That's not TNA's fault--thankfully Spike is giving them another 2-hour prime time spot, so maybe we'll see a permanent 2-hour show sometime. Please? Anyway, the last time that the Naturals fought AMW, I complained about how crappily AMW was fighting, but said I was going to keep cheering for them because I didn't like how the Naturals were physically attacking Gail Kim. Men who hit women = not cool. WELL. Tonight, they played up the JJ/Jackie Gayda storyline (where is that from? Did they used to be together?), and JJ shoved Jackie again (into the steel steps; I think that part was an accident, from the look on his face). AMW comes down, ignores the brawl in the ring, and proceeds to yell at Jeff Jarrett for pushing a girl. I was loving it!!! Along with James Storm's accent, of course. OMG, "Sorry 'bout yo' damn luck, Mistah Tayluh" during the promo was the sexiest thing I've heard all week! Seriously, what isn't there in professional wrestling to like? It's got great athleticism, intriguing characters and plots, and hot men with gorgeous southern accents. That's good enough for me!
Speaking of, well, speaking, Christian Cage on the mic is amazing. He was completely buried in WWE, apparently. I'm rapidly becoming a fan. My totally random Raven fangirliness is coming back now that he's wrestling again (who is the girl?!?! OMG, tell us!), too. Sigh. TNA, I [heart] you.
There wasn't much 4LK in tonight's episode, but that's okay. "Bullet" Bob Armstrong did a promo for the boys that was really cute, but I can't say as I approve of "thug" Kip James. It's like they're trying to remake the DX attitudes with thug clothes and without the antics. We need more antics!!! I miss DX so much, I'm serious. Oh, while I'm on the topic of predictions: Austin Aries and Alex Shelley as a tag team. Yup. That's my prediction. I think they're similarly creative, although Austin Aries scares me, and Alex Shelley gets weirder every week.