'Fess up: who slipped Helen alcohol today? stuff.co.nz has
an article, and well, some of the highlights:
On Don Brash:
"Labour regards Dr Brash as a corrosive and cancerous person within the New Zealand political system."
"What began this appalling slide in political standards was having a polarising leader of the Opposition - a man who I do not believe should be leading anything in New Zealand."
On Labour MP Trevor Mallard, who said some nasty things about dotty old Don:
"He was responding very, very strongly to quite ridiculous and outrageous attacks on me and on the New Zealand Labour Party and we are not going to stand by and have the sort of behaviour go on that has gone on."
"Personal attacks form no part of Labour's strategy. That's where Trevor was out of line," and yet,
"He did not start it."
Or, to put it another way: the Opposition made him do it!
Apart from alcohol, I think the whole Davis thing was the absolute last straw. Helen's marriage has always been the target of criticism - much less than Don's ever was - and frankly I think someone just went a little too far.
As for the rest of the article: Labour is not trying to divert attention from the pledge card debacle, because you know what? The Exclusive Brethren thing was exposed before the pledge card thing, in fact before last election. 1.2 million dollars is a really significant sum, literally hundreds of thousands of dollars more than were involved in the pledge card thing.
Russell Brown writes about Exclusive Brethren spending here and overseas.
On a more amusing note, scoop.co.nz satire is always good. (So, by the way, is their news coverage. Very thorough, especially of parliament but also national and international news. Plus, they have a category for "strange and bizarre." That's nifty.) Highlight today:
Investigate magazine to claim Clark/Brash affair, by Lyndon Hood, which is fairly hysterical.