(no subject)

Sep 19, 2006 15:22

Stuff which I am digging right now:

- Lucid 3 - Rock & Roll Thieves

- Fly My Pretties: Live At Bats (Bag of Money - Singing in my Soul - Fly My Pretties)

- Beautiful Collision (Get Some Sleep - The Be All and End All)

- Prehistoric Park, crazy British mockumentary about a zoologist who travels back in time to capture animals on the brink of extinction and return with them to a modern zoo. The best bit about it is the way it takes itself totally seriously, so they have trouble finding good grounds for the ornithomimus, the woolly mammoth won't eat, and so forth. Absolutely hilarious. Sundays at 7:30.

- Thomas Hardy and Tess of the d'Urbervilles. The dude is so damn atheist and he can't shut up about it, it's adorable.

- Spring in Christchurch. The daffodils are blooming, cherry and peach trees are blossoming, there are actual ducklings on my actual campus and two days ago I was lying on a lawn reading the aforementioned Tess and being very still and Mama Duck and three little ducklings came up to me and actually walked on me. They tried to eat my fingers. I am so not kidding. I nearly died of the cute.

- Vogels wheat-free bread. I don't know if I mentioned, but I went onto a wheat-free diet a month or two ago (by choice, not allergies, and I have been generally feeling better since) and man do I miss bread. And pasta. And pizza (okay, I've cheated on that one.) And oreos. And cake that I don't have to make myself with fake flour that cost fifty bucks to the ounce (okay, *slight* exaggeration). But mostly? Bread. I don't even like vogels bread as a rule but I swear to god I have never enjoyed marmite on toast as much as this, including the times when I'm sick and it's the only thing I can keep down. It's the best thing since sliced bread, except it doesn't actually come sliced.

- the keywords for this icon. (Um, Runaways spoilers.)

- spoilers for Supernatural S2. I'm not actively looking for them, but I'm unfussed about stumbling across them (with the very specific exceptions of not wanting to know anything at all about 2x01.) The ones I have come across I've found generally pleasing, which puts me in the minority, but hey, y'all just don't know hot when you see it. *is shallow*

stuff I am not digging right now:

Really only one thing. And oh my god, kids, it's so ridiculous because there's so much more important stuff out there, but my platelet count has been dropping steadily for the past two months and they just upped my prednisone today and I'm just so sick of this whole, going up, going down, going sideways, dropping the pred, upping the pred, do you want to have a splenectomy, how about this new treatment that doesn't appear to have permanent side effects, but we think you should try it *after* the splenectomy, which *does* have very permanent side effects, and in the meantime you're putting on a lot of weight, and acne, and bitchy all the time, and dramatically easily upset, and I haven't had a period since early July and it is starting to creep me out. I've always had irregular periods, but right now it's looking like I might only have four periods all year (one in february, one in may, one in july, projected one in october. Maybe one in december, probably around christmas, which would be just peachy.) and that's just a little too irregular for me. Especially since the average number of periods a year is what, around 13? Blah, blah, the whole thing is ridiculous.

Opinions, y'all: is it worth my seeing someone about the whole cycle varying between 83 and 60 days thing? I don't have unusually heavy periods when I do get them, I get period pain about once in a blue moon, and although I usually cry a bit more and am a little more bitchy it doesn't even affect my moods that much. Also, I'm concerned they might do something like put me on the pill which would triple the number of periods I get and, since I quite like not having them very often, I don't want that either. The length of the cycle doesn't bother me, I just which I could know reliably when I was going to get it. *eyeroll*

health, daily life, i lost my soul, music, fandom

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