Fic: Kisses (1/8)

Sep 25, 2007 11:33

Title: Kisses (1/8)
Author: Me a.k.a kuro_nyoko
Pairing: Remus/Sirius
Genre: Fluffy Romance
Rating: This chapter is G. Ultra G, hahaha.
Era: Hogwarts
Summary: Few and far between, but never unwelcome.
Notes: Sorry about the lame title. Creativity stops for me when it comes time to name things. I'm scared for any future children I may have. Anyway, this is my first series, and I hope you like it.
Disclaimer: I only wish I invented them. They aren't mine.
Three excited young boys stand in their new dorm which they realize is to be their new home for the next seven years. A fourth boy sighs dramatically and throws himself onto a bed, his long, black hair scattering across the pillows. He mutters something about his mother, Slytherin house, and the impending death of a remarkably handsome, well-mannered, pureblood boy.
The three boys smile at each other and talk lightly of their families after introducing themselves.

One of the boys, thin and sandy haired, looks over to the other boy, still moping on the bed he‘s claimed as his. He is not quite sure what to do to make him feel welcome. He pats his pockets and is relieved to find a piece of chocolate left over from his train ride.

"Would you like some chocolate?" the sandy haired boy says as he makes his way to the head of the other boy‘s bed.

"What kind?" the boy asks.

"Dark," he begins, "but I also ha--"

"My favorite." the dark haired boy smiles a kind smile and sits up in his bed.

"Mine, too." he replies, smiling back at the boy as he hands him the piece of chocolate. "I‘m Remus Lupin." he introduces, while holding out his right hand.

"Sirius. Black." the boy says and instead of shaking his hand, lightly tugs on the Remus’ outstretched wrist, bringing his face closer, and kisses Remus on one cheek, and then the other.

Remus is taken aback by the gesture, but figures it is perfectly normal for Sirius, being apparently pureblood, so he just goes with it. "Care to join us?" he holds a hand out into the general direction of the two other boys who are sitting on the floor: the slightly pudgy blond haired boy laughing at a story the myopic, wild haired boy had just told.

Sirius just smiles and nods. He takes a bite of his chocolate and hops off his bed to join the others. Remus goes to his trunk and gathers some more chocolate to share with his new friends. While he is turned, he doesn’t see Sirius shake the hands of "Peter Pettigrew" and "Potter. James Potter."

"kisses", genre: romance, fic: remus/sirius, genre: fluff, fic: harry potter

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