Will you make me a sandwich?

Nov 13, 2009 14:06

So, the last two weeks have been... good? Really, six of one and half dozen of the other. I can’t complain - too much.

Halloween weekend was a blast. I got to spend serious quality time with Greg and Franke and imbibe more than my fair share of beer. That left my remaining brain cells a little worse for wear, but meh. I had fun. I managed to reuse my wedding dress as I went to the dept. Halloween party as a Day of the Dead person. You can see a pick of me in full costume over at that Facebook thing.

I also died 500 grams of yarn. By my (probably wrong) math, I need only 500 grams to do this pattern, so I set the last 100 g to the side for a future project/dye experiment. Considering that I had no real guide as to how to do this, the dying went well, and I more or less have what I wanted: a blue yarn with subtle purple variegation. More or less. It isn’t a uniform dye lot by any means as the hanks on top in the pot some how got more blue than those on the bottom. I also ran out of blue dye, so I couldn’t get those to catch up. Meh. What can you do. At the very least, I’m moving forward with this sweater.

Things I was astounding by while dying:

  • I read that food dyes (which I used) work great on animal fibers, but don’t work on plant fibers. Huh. It certainly seemed spurious, but then I saw it in action. I used cotton yarn to tie my hanks and lo! After hours of dyeing, they came out as white as ever. Weird!
  • “Exhausting the dye” seemed equally questionable. The yarn soaks up all of the dye out of the water and leaves the water clear? Get right out of town! But it’s true, my water was crystal clear when I finished. I wouldn’t try drinking it, but there was no dye in it at least.

I’ve hit a slump in my work. This one post-doc app is bogging me down, and now I have the Continuing Fellowship to work on. I also have the Most Useless Advisor Ever, but that’s not astounding news, is it? This time, I sent him the draft of my cover letter for this post-doc and asked for content feedback. Like, is this the kind of shit you say in a cover letter for this type of thing? I have no clue. What do I get back? Four grammatical corrections and nothing about the content. Hey, thanks for playing! Fucker. Thank God for my out-of-department person. We’re meeting next week to talk about the letter and my research proposal.

One day, the HAHR will give me a final decision on my article. Until then, I wait patiently.

My group got into BNAT again this year. w00t! The crew is flying this year - fewer participants and the Thirsty Beagle died - so we’ll have Friday afternoon to play around Austin. Fun! They’ve already put in a request for Toy Joy, and I’ve suggested an early dinner at the Salt Lick. Good times, ahoy! Bonus: my students’ exam is the night of BNAT (a Saturday exam at 7 pm, UGH!), so I get to miss it :)

Right now, I’m on the verge of getting sick and am feeling beyond sore and achy. Excellent. I just want to sleep, but there’s work to be done. Lames.
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