*face palm*

Nov 21, 2009 14:04

Oh, what exciting times we live in. I really don’t have much to offer regarding my past week. I did work. I slept terribly. I knitted. I dealt with a cold. Once or twice, I might have prayed for the sweet release of death, but that’s neither here nor there.

And I graded. This exam covered World War I through Vietnam. Let me share some gems from this bout with history.
  • “The Lincoln Brigades were American volunteers that went to Mexico to defeat Franco.”
  • “FDR had Japanese people put in containment camps in order to prevent the spread of communism.”
  • “In World War I, we teamed up with Mussolini and Franco in order to defeat communism in the world.”
  • “The atomic bomb was dropped on Tokyo in order to end the Vietnam War. There had been enough killing.”

The kiddies also equated fascism to communism (shouldn’t be surprised, given the ridiculous rhetoric perpetuated by the Birthers and other right-wing yahoos), claimed that WWI and WWII were fought against communism (let’s not talk about the fact that the Soviet Union didn’t exist when WWI broke out), and placed McCarthy either in WWII or WWI (if they think these wars were against communism...). Hardly anyone so far has correctly identified fascists or Nazis or the Japanese (let’s face it, Italy might be a stretch) as our enemy.

I totally expect there to be factual errors from time to time, but never with this many people and over what should be very basic information. I mean, c’mon!!! How the hell could these kids arrive in college and have no idea who our enemies and allies were in the World Wars?!?!

It would seem that some of the more “enterprising” students have created a compilation of notes. I have no idea what this means, but I imagine someone delegated certain days of lecture to certain people and then they pulled the notes together for the exam. I really fucking hate this because they never realize how much they’re shooting themselves in the foot. They are so desperate to cut corners that they’ll ignore the fact that they’re studying from crap. They’ll tell us TAs and the prof that it’s our fault for failing them, that they did what was expected. Bah!

I want to slap them all. I want to tell them to stop and think for a moment: do you all seriously think any A students contribute their notes to this? They sure as hell don’t. A students know the worth of their work and they don’t share it, at least not for free. At best, there may be a lazy low B student participating, but most students that do this are the Cs.

Well, they’ll get what they put in. There’s going to be a lot of unhappy students this Thanksgiving.

Today’s craft group, huzzah! I love Craft Group Saturdays. I take it easy, bake up something yummy and then hang out with fellow crafty ladies for a few hours. Nice. Today, Cheasty is joining us and we’re going to teach her to knit. This past Wednesday, I accompanied her to a local yarn store to help her purchase yarn for scarves and hats and needles. Fun times :)
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