Never get involved in a land war in Asia.

Oct 29, 2009 21:20

Yesterday I called it quits on this week. Monday and Tuesday didn’t go well and I woke up to an anxiety attack yesterday. Definitely not the way to wake up. I guess it was the sum everything up to that point: feeling like I’m not making any progress, not knowing which post-docs to apply for, how to even begin working on the post-doc apps, hating the department for its inability to manage anything, having all of this make me behave rottenly towards Evan.

I still held office hours on Wednesday, though only with the help of breakfast tacos and a ride from Evan. Thankfully no students showed up, and I got to sit and chat with my friend, Claudia. We commiserated on the funding situation and the feelings of disenchantment, anger, and apathy that come with that. Fun times.

My plan was to have the week end on a good note and dye about 600 grams of yarn tomorrow. But nooooooooo. I forgot that the Cold War in Latin America conference is going on. Damn it. Have to go to at least one panel because JB and Ginny organized it. [And just to complete the story, JB wanted me to present, but I declined in order to focus on post-docs and the intro. Besides, I’ve moved so far from the Cold War in this project that redirecting my energies would be a bit of a waste.] *Le sigh* Now I have to collegial tomorrow. Lames. And then I have to be collegial again on Saturday because JB’s having a Rancho gathering. Thank God there will be beer and BBQ at that.

In other news, Evan’s out of town this weekend, visiting his dad in NYC (another thing in which I declined to participate). Carolyn’s out of town, and Ken was upset that we’re not joining everyone in Denver for Thanksgiving. Evan’s visit is one way to help smooth that over, but still make a point about the fucked up family situation. Anywho. I taking advantage of my solitude by having fun with the aforementioned yarn dying and watching many movies. Here’s the first round that I picked up today:

- Knowing (2009): I read a synopsis of this movie and its sound beyond ridiculous. I wants to mocks it!
- Into the Wild Green Yonder (2009): The last of the Futurama movies. Thank God they’re going to make new episodes soon.
- Kwaidan (1964): Japanese ghost stories!! How fitting for this weekend.
- Pierrot Le Fou (1965): A film by Jean-Luc Godard. I’ve looked at this in the store before and thought it sounded intriguing. Plus it’s French and somehow rounds out my eclectic choices.

But right now I’m watching The Princess Bride. It’s good company when I don’t feel like really paying too much attention. And at the moment, I’d like a little company while playing with a new pattern and some gorgeous silk-mohair lace-weight yarn. Yum!
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