Nov 18, 2007 15:12
Wow, this computer screen is wiggly. I just had my first truly satisfying group project experience. I usually detest group projects, because I either end up doing a project I'm not into, or doing all the work. Or both. Today 7 people from my psych stats class met and came up with an experiment and had a grand ol' time doing it. And we're sharing the work evenly. This is great. I love it when people release their inner nerds and get creative to make schoolwork interesting.
I watched six hours of movies with Lyndsey on Friday night, after hanging around with Zack and Heather for most of the evening. Heather is a darling girl. Zack says she's the only one of his college friends he'd feel comfortable bringing home with him, and I understand. She's funny and easy-going and thoughtful.
So, the six hours of movies. Well, Lynds and I were both shaken up by sad news involving the family of one of our suitemates (everything is fairly ok with them now), and then we watched Capote, which I've been meaning to see since it came out in theaters. The movie made me more unsettled than I already was, and I sobbed at the end. It was a good movie, but I don't need to see it again. L and I had a long discussion about capital punishment, which we disagree slightly about, and then we decided to watch a second movie-- Y Tu Mama Tambien, which certainly succeeded in driving out any thoughts of capital punishment and murder. Erm. SEX. L and I watched almost the entire movie from between our fingers.
Lyndsey: He's NO! HE DID! AHHHHHHHH! I can't stand it!
So we finished that a little after midnight, and we got wraps at the Midnight Express, and THEN we had to watch Chocolat to counteract all the sex. We both fell asleep on the couch during Chocolat.
Yesterday, my darling littlest sister's birthday, I woke up at 12:30 and cleaned the suite like a madwoman. I accomplished the task armed only with baking soda, because I refuse to use Libby's harsh chemical cleansers, and we were out of soap. I did some homework and practiced guitar, and then Lyndsey and I baked some scones for her friend Gustavo's birthday. The scones were from two mixes Mom bought me a month ago. One resulted in delicious scones, the other in nasty, chunky things that smelled and tasted of mildewed wood. Needless to say, we gave Gustavo the good ones. He ran up and thanked me for them 30 seconds ago.
I also went to a bellydancing performance and a play last night (Moliere's The Imaginary Invalid), both of which were fabulous. I attending a small school where I know most of the cast of nearly everything. The play was replete with the darling little freshman boys I know best. Well, other than Zack's friends.
My friend Kate confirmed my unhappy suspicions that her friend Mandy, whom I like a lot as a person, has a crush on me. Kate said, "Don't worry, I'm trying to turn her off. I emphasize your difference in intelligence every chance I get. Mandy's a dear, sweet person, but all she cares about is acting and singing. So whenever she says, 'So, Leah...' I say, 'Oh, yeah, that rocket scientist. She's so into philosophy and science. You say anything and she relates it to some obscure theorem. Plus, she hates musicals.'"
I just ate a huge roasted veggie personal pizza, and I feel slightly ill. I'm in a good mood though. It's been a weird weekend somehow. I've felt unsettled, but I've had a good time, too.