Nov 16, 2007 23:20
Holly, I just read your Booty Entry out loud to Lyndsey, and she was suitably impressed with your writing prowess. And of course she guffawed too.
Oh, and I showed the cross-dressing pics to La in the computer lab this afternoon, and she was entranced. You two drag kings could get so many girls.... ;)
I haven't had room to breathe these last few days. I was in my suite for all of 45 minutes between 8:30 am and 11:30 pm yesterday, and that's pretty much how the week has gone.
On Tuesday morning I decided to donate blood at the blood drive, because I promised myself a while ago that once I weighed enough and was healthy enough, I would do it.
I answered question after question about my medical history, sexual history, traveling history, etc, and had my blood-iron level tested. I was nervous, but one woman told me, "You're the most relaxed first-time donor I've ever seen. Good for you."
I ended up giving only 7 oz or so, because the woman put the needle into too small a vein ("Oh, you have a nice big vein here, but it's a toughie! It keeps dodging the needle...oh, ok, I think we're good"), and when she tried to switch the needle to the larger vein my arm began bruising, so they removed the needle. Even with this little complication, it wasn't a terrible experience. I signed up to donate again in January. I'm feeling rather proud for facing a fear and keeping a good promise to myself. It wasn't fun, but it could have been worse, and they assure me that it WILL be better next time.
Why must we be made to work so hard for our Thanksgiving dinner? I've had so much STUFF to do. Luckily, I haven't had to read for Brit Lit for a few days, because we watched Sense and Sensibility in class. On Monday, Jeff (Hello Kitty sewing machine Jeff) and I were walking to class, and he asked me some questions about the movie, like who was in it. As you'd suspect, I went off on a tangential ode to Alan Rickman, and Jeff said, "Yeah, but he's so funny-sounding. His voice is deep and British, but it's almost as if he has an apple stuck in his throat." Then he spoke in a dead-on A.R. voice the rest of the way to class. I almost wet myself with gleeful laughter. 500 points for Jeffery.