a sad moment of materialism and naivete for me

May 12, 2005 18:55

i had to do a ton of photocopying this morning ... like get to school an hour early to make sure it all gets done ... that kinda ton of photocopying.

so i thought, "self, you need some music to keep you company" and then i thought "hey, how convenient that you have your ipod that you got for free with thanks to all those wonderful people who signed up under me." and then i brought it to school.

those of you who know the types of students i teach may guess where this is going.

i kept my ipod on my person because i didn't want it to be lost or stolen, but then at some point it fell out of my pocket. In fact, i know when it happened because i remember feeling it slip, and pushing it back into my pocket a bit. But then i stood back up.

and because i am spacey and not aware of the world around me, i walked away from that couch in the lounge and didn't look back. Until about an hour and a half later, when the day had ended, and the students had gone, and my ipod was too.


i searched my desk, my floor, my tables, every sofa, every chair, every space. no good. gone.

part of me is aware of natural and logical consequences - don't bring in important possessions to a school where people steal things. But i have been there, and i felt secure, and i just didn't think, and ... well there you go.

so i once upon a time had a 20GB ipod which i loved. and i don't know.

hopefully when i tell all the kids i'm looking for it tomorrow, someone will return it to me. unfortunately at least one of my students has been stealing things to give to people so that he doesn't get beat up. and it's a half day tomorrow. so a lot of the kids won't be there.

i just feel stupid, and sad, and blah blah blah blah blah waah.

it's hard to feel sorry for myself when i know that most of my kids are a gazillion times worse off and that ultimately it's just a thing, and the feeling sorry for myself only makes it that much worse, but damnit, i do feel sorry for myself. Feh.

materialism, depression, kids are jerks, feeling dumb

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