it's hard to let it go [ closed ]

Jul 06, 2011 00:08

Who: Rapunzel (sun_droplet) and Roxas (dualstance)
What: Derpy little brother tries to help out sad big sister :'(
Where: Rapunzel's place, House 10, possibly hitting the streets?
When: sometime after this
Warnings: cuteness of two blondes?

Swerving this way and that, Roxas familiarizes himself with the easy movements once again that came with practice of using the skateboard. No tricks or jumps, just a push once in a while to keep himself going. It feels like it's been a while since he's done this, though it hasn't been that long, has it?

Since waking up in this place, he's been keeping track of the days, almost like an old habit from his days in the Organization. Not that he still remembers much about those days but he can at least recall some things, and memories still come back to him every once in a while. Mostly when something triggers it but at least they're coming back to him. Too slow in his opinion, but there isn't much he can do about that.

But at least he has his recent memories to hang on to, from Twilight Town and now this dream city.

Things are different in this place and he still isn't sure how it all fits together, none of them do really, but he guesses that they just have to wait it out and see what happens. Something did happen though and it made people sad and even angry. The pieces still don't fit together and there aren't enough clues to find them all but what he does know is this.

One of his friends is probably crying and he wants to make her happy again.

Clutching onto the extra skateboard he has with him, he gives it a glance before keeping his eyes back on the road. Along with his own board, he's made one for Rapunzel as well, as promised. The deck's design suits the girl, he thinks, being like a field of flowers and some of them blowing in the wind. It's different from his own, black and white and full of spiky swirls that kind of remind him of the nobodies. Either way, he hopes that she likes it.

First though, actually getting to her place and brushing her long hair. Not to mention braiding it. As he finally makes his way to her door and knocks, he tries to recall if Olette ever did any braiding.

roxas: kingdom hearts, rapunzel: tangled

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