My Head's Getting Crowded!

Apr 16, 2008 15:50

I'm on a mission to finish my mg novel. Soon. But the MC of my next project keeps butting in and whispering to me! He just recently changed his name -- which was a big surprise, but I think I like it. And he's slipping me little bits and pieces about himself. I'm trying to ignore him because he needs to learn to wait his turn. I know I sound completely loony but this happens every time I get close to finishing a project and the writing gets tough. Suddenly, I get a glimmer of a new idea -- one that doesn't have plot problems yet. One that's full of promise and doesn't need to be rewritten yet. Oh, I almost got lured in by the possibilities! What a tease. But I'm hanging tough and just jotting down the most important ideas that pop into my head and sticking them in a folder for "later." And even after I finish the wip and do revisions, it's hard to jump right into a new story. I'll need to decompress a bit. But at least I won't spend weeks thinking "What should I do next?" And I guess that's a good thing.
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