Field Test

Sep 15, 2019 15:55

Last weekend, I took Eris to the Children's Museum on Sunday, and to the new playground near there, and then met up with DJ and Michelle at a picnic on the Greenway for the Right Care Alliance.

Yesterday, we went to Providence to play some Ingress. Niantic is running a new type of live-event they're referring to as Field Tests (these mini events / mechanics tests for the larger Anomalies). This one was called the Hexathalon, and involved completing six individual challenges in a 90-minute window. We walked a ~4k circuit of gameplay in somewhat hilly terrain around Brown University (with me pushing Eris in the stroller the whole time), then went out for chicken dinner with some of our Boston teammates. Was fun! We enjoyed some pretty good weather, despite a brief rain shower, saw a gondolier on the canal, caught bits and pieces of some of the early performances for WaterFire Festival.

Does anything happen between the weekends? The area of the code I'm working with now is very frustrating, and EOQ is sooner than you think.

I'll be going to an internal conference on code quality at the Google Munich Office in November. Even going to be presenting on some of my work. So that's exciting.

This entry was originally posted on Dreamwith.
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self, friends, work, ingress, games

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