Not Writing Hunt This Year (Not Next Year, Either)

Jan 20, 2019 19:38

Kid bedtime grows ever more intensive and I have a hard time making time to write. Let's see...

Two weeks ago, I had a bad stomach bug on Friday, my sister, Melissa, came to visit on Saturday, Julie left for business travel on Sunday morning, and Eris got super sick fifteen minutes after Julie departed. Melissa was a very helpful guest, but it certainly wasn't as enjoyable a weekend as I'd hoped. Melissa left early that Tuesday, Julie got back Thursday morning, and it's possible I have still yet to recover on the sleep-dep side.

Last weekend... I did laundry?

We had dinner with Carolyn and Bill (acquaintances from Ingress) at their house in Cambridge on last Thursday. That was lovely.

Mystery Hunt was this weekend. Was fun, though I think I was only helpful on a few puzzles. The hunt was a bit long, but not excessively so. (Hunt starts at 1PM on a Friday and I think the sweet spot for a normal-length hunt is that the first team completes it sometime between midnight and sunrise on Sunday. This one went to 6PM Sunday. The excessively-long ones run late into Sunday night or into Monday.) Our team didn't make it all the way to the end, but we solved a lot of great puzzles, and due to the structure of Mystery Hunt, not winning is its own prize.

Eristic improvements: Pretending to be specific characters, improvising songs.

This entry was originally posted on Dreamwith.
comments are there.

mystery hunt, self, friends, health, parenting, family

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