Toddlerdom's End

Jan 03, 2019 23:34

NYC trip went well!

We traveled on Christmas Day (a week before last Tuesday). Our flight was a little delayed, but at least it was a two-hour delay on a 2PM flight instead of a seven-hour delay on a 6:30PM flight. We had a wonderful Christmas dinner at Kristin and Jimmy's house. Julie's parents were visiting as well!

Wednesday, we went to the mall and had an early birthday celebration for Erica with extended family.

Thursday, we went to visit my Aunt Ellen and Uncle Mark. We took Erica to a nearby playground. Then we spent a bit of time wandering near Brookfield Place before taking the ferry back to Jersey City. Then another family event, we all went out for a pasta dinner.

Friday morning, we woke up very early to have breakfast with Julie's parents before their trip home. We took the kids to the Krispy Kreme factory store for doughnuts. We took Erica for a swim in the hotel pool. Then Erica went to have a sleepover with her cousin while Julie and I got a date night. We went to see Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (which was great!), took the ferry from Hoboken into New York, and went out for a very nice dinner before circling back to the hotel.

Saturday morning, we went out for brunch with Emmett (a friend of mine from high school). Then we took a long walk along the Hudson. Saturday afternoon, we reunited with Erica, spent some time with her in the playroom in Kristin's apartment building, and then we all went out for Indian food at a really good place next door to there.

Sunday, we took Erica ice-skating for the first time, at the Brookfield Place rink. She was really excited about going skating, but when I was getting on the skates I was worried it would be a disaster. She was uncomfortable and it was hard to juggle a crying toddler along with two pairs of skates and shoes while trying to find the right size. The tent for skate rental was super crowded. Fortunately, Julie came to bail me out and get Erica out the door, so we were able to get onto the ice and have a great time. Erica spent most of her time being pushed around on an ice sled, but she did stand up and skate holding onto my hands a bit, and also a bit with a far more talented skater who works at the rink. It had been a really long time since I last went ice skating, and it was fun. Emilia had fun, too, she can skate on her own power now.

Erica was really tired afterwards, especially since the excitement had her successfully fighting off sleep before. We went out to dinner after skating, but Erica had a total meltdown in the food court before falling asleep in my arms. She was cheerful again when she woke up, though. We went for a walk on the boardwalk together at around 10PM, since she was still very awake, then had a good night's rest.

The trip was so very lovely. Kristin and Jimmy were such great hosts, and it was great to spend time with family and friends. Erica especially loved spending time with her cousin Emilia (who she calls "my mee-ya").

Monday, we traveled back to Boston, then celebrated the New Year at the Buttery. Played some games, but punted before midnight. Still got home around 1AM, and then Erica still wanted a bath and eight stories (though she fell asleep close to 2AM in the middle of story three).

Tuesday, we went out for a New Year's Day brunch. Afterwards, Erica was excited about going to the playground, and I'd never seen her fight sleep so hard. We went to the store after brunch because Julie needed to get her computer repaired. Bus timing was good, so we started to walk homewards, with this cycle of her begging to be carried, us suggesting she get in (or trying to put her in) the stroller, her fighting and screaming and insisting she wanted to walk, and then her pressing on at about a mile an hour. And we probably made it about a half-mile in that fashion before she decided stroller was okay after all.

In the afternoon, Julie helped Erica bake a birthday cake. I helped with a lot of the dishes, and spreading the icing.

Yesterday was Erica's birthday. We brought cake to daycare, and afterwards went out for birthday ice cream and sandwiches with some friends. That was great!

The birthday really feels like a significant milestone. I guess Eris is baby Eris no more.

Anyways, I'm back to the grind. The kid has continued to be super late-to-bed. I'm really tired. (Yet here I am staying up late to write rather than never getting around to it.)

My sister is visiting town this coming weekend. And Julie is leaving town early Sunday for more business travel.

Eristic improvements: An obsession with riding the escalator (which she pronounces as a homonym with excavator), a three-a-day Band-Aid habit (that one's not new, but I don't think I'd mentioned that here before).

This entry was originally posted on Dreamwith.
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travel, self, nyc, friends, parenting, family

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