Sep 18, 2004 15:59
[*]yesTerdAy suM LADy [paREnt of a dancer? aKa: chaperone] toLd me i look like a pretty boy.. acutaLLie she thouGHt i waSs a Boy..::sigh::.
[*]maNnn.. today i looked at my seLF in the miRRor... pondERing if i do loOk like a boy...i think i Do.. .. . . . darN..
[*]banD yesTerday weLLl.. was aLrigHT... darN uNIforMs makE us FreaKin aAa hoT.. and SExy might i ADd.. loOkin like we're form the 17th ceNTury.. heLL yeah... goOd thiNG i didnt gET a miDDLe schoOLer to siT with..
[*]ms. BerrY was SCrEamin her heaD off. and her moLe was qUIvERing.. disturbing might i ADd...
[*]whoO.. no hurRIcANe thiS wEeK..[cepT hurRIcane jeaN] so schoOLs proLLIe gonNA be a fULL weeK for the firST time.. damn
[*]wEd. nigHt.. storYs.. heLLah fun.. migHT i say i loVE bEIng SweeT bitCH 5.. alwAys a goOD digIt..
[*]dayUM... i can't DEbATe on this hoMecomiNG dRess thiNG.. arGH.. mi aMigos noe wHAt i mEAn.. blaCK or BLAck?? .. . poO..
[*]duN eVEn knoe iF i cANN go to hoMEcoming forsho... suXers for BAnd... arGh*
[*]aRGHhh... shouLD sTArT on hOMework now... maYbe i'll acutaLLIe dooo it... hehe..
weLLL i hope eVeryon'es wEEkend/weEk was eXcitINg and fuN filLEd... ^_^