Sep 14, 2004 20:12
aRGH...... todAY waKin up was haRSHhhhh....
hate waKin up aFtEr the monDAys..
[*]whoOoohhEEeee.... bANd REeKs.. but fuN stufF today it raiNEd tERribly harD... ^_^.. althouGH gaLS in white t-sHIrts were at a DisADvaNTage.. haHa.
[*]schooL bLOWWwwss... daYUM progREsS repoRt.. i haVE a C on it... dayuMm.. my mom is gonNA kiLL... my firST C .. EVERRR.. but yah i'll HIde it untiL she aSks.. them i EtErnaLLIe grouNDed.. yeaYYYYYYY!! can't loOK forWArd to taht...
[*] bTW... wHere's hurrICaNE ivaN??? .... hmm.. gueSS not comiNG.. at LEaST jeWisH hoLIdaYs are fuN! yahhhh... hope sum fuN PArTAys.. or suMTHin.. tee hee..
[*]WOW.. . todAY is no hoMEworK daY.. at leaST to my knowLedge... if i dId.. them i'm reaLLIe scrEWed...
[*]BTW don't cliCK on hyperLInk on your fRiends profiLEs... they givE u maJor worM/ ViruSes!!! WARNING WARNING WARNING!!!!!! ... that sucKS baLLs .. aLOt... espeCIaLlie mine.. sinCE proLLie updatIng this will... taKe longEr then twENty minUTes.... hehe... fun stuff..