Sep 20, 2004 15:19
^ if u DIdn't knoE what my tITle meaNs.. well theN u suCK.. cuz jeM rocKs my socKs.. and juST WATcheD a coupLe daYs agO the vidEOs i used to be aDDicTEd too...
[*]SAd thiNg is i KnoE the soNGs by heaRt still!!! heY i'lL loOK at it iN a goOD WAY!!!
[*]ARGHhhhhHhh I HATE SCHOOL!!!.. but i lOvE It... as suMoNe oncE sAId... it's a LOVe-hATE relAtioNship.... yeay??
[*]whoOT* foOTbaLL GaME thiS WEEk is on THurSDay... thatLL sucKKkk ARSE.... yeAHhhh can't WAIt1!! -_-.. ... mayBe we'LL win... hehe..
[*]WHoA lovEs liKE whOA my a** is liKE WHoa.. my bOdy's likE WHoa.... obvioUslie that soNG is stuCK in my head... sorTa kinda.... [< liKe froM reaL worLd...neVErmind if u duN GEt it]
WOW i'm totALLIe RANDom today... ^_^